problems and reassurance

502 38 5

I woke up feeling extremely comfortable to the point where I never want to get out of that position. Since my eyes were still closed I couldn't quite make out what I was actually clinging on to. It seemed as though it was a warm moving pillow as it moved back and forth in a relaxing way. I nuzzled my head in more as it would feel even more relaxing and natural. I rested my head in the circumferance of the unkown object until I could clearly hear and feel a relaxing rythym of what I could make as a steady heart pillows have heart beats?

I jolted my head up and opened my eyes.. Still adjusting to my surroundings, I quickly checked what I was sleeping with...

and poked the lump that was covered by the blanket..

It cringed and groaned at my touch..


"hmmmphh... jae? what are you talking about? "

"What the- Daehyun's my pillow?! what kind of sorcery is this?!!"

"sorcery? I slept with you, remember?"

"No you didn't- oh wait..Ohhhhhhh..yeah.. now I remember.."

He joined me and sat up straight then rested his head on my shoulder before yawning

"JaeJae.. what time is it?"

beep beep beep /HRM can you not?/

"I-I don't know.."

"Don't you have a wrist watch?"

well I'm screwed...

"I-errr ummm..."

"what was that?"

I started to panic but luckily my alarm clock was just on top of my bedside table

" It's 3:27 pm, Dae.."

"Woah.. we slept in that much?! "

"Why?.. were you planning on doing something?"

"well not exactly.. I'm just bummed that we missed lunch.."


"Don't worry.. we'll just head out today for does that sound?"


"it's the same with brunch, only , it represents dinner and lunch "

"Okay.. let's head out for drunch then!"


"So where are you taking us, Dae?"

"Well I was thinking of a quick stroll by the park then head to this restuarant I know that serves quality food.."

"That sounds nice, but a stroll by the park? why so out of the box all of the sudden?"

"Well I figured it'd be a good idea to give you peace.. I thought it'd make you feel better.."

"That's sweet.."

he laughs sheepishly

"What's so funny?"

then he smiles

"It's Nothing..."

"If you say so.."


After a few moments of strolling by, we decided to sit on a bench in the park

"Jae, let me ask you.. What did you during the whole time you were admitted in the hospital? "

"not much really.. The room I was in had a television so I wasn't entirely that bored.. and the nurses gave me some good books to pass the time and it really helped a lot..but despite all of this.. I just couldn't help but feel lonely.."

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