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Wello! (My newly invented word for 'well + Hello' brilliant, right?)

The name's Yoo Youngjae, The boy who's currently cursing at everything in sight..

allow me to explain myself.

It all started Yesterday afternoon..


"Okay, Youngjae.. look's like you're in good condition.."

The doctor said as he looked at my data files .. well it's not exactly that I was listening, but-Ehh..

"So Youngjae.. You seem well and you're all set to go..but it comes with a catch.."

"catch? what catch?"

"Well..seeing you really want to get out of this Hospital even though we aren't even done 'observing ' you.. I decided that you're free to one condition.. You have to wear this .."

The doctor pulled out a thing that looked like a wrist watch? what the- why would I need a wrist watch?

"and what exactly is that, Dr. Byun?"

"Looks like Mr. Omnicient doesn't know what a wrist HRM is.."

"Excuse me?"

" It's a wrist Heart Rate Monitor.. We were suppose to observe you for the rest of the week to collect Data of your Heart's condition ..but seeing you really want to leave, I'm being considerate into letting you go only if you wear this HRM to collect the data for us.. you are to return here in a week's time and return the HRM.."

"Okay then.. ughhh.. exactly what does this thing do?"

"It records your pulses , if theres any abnormality in it.. but when you palpitate, It releases audible fast beeps which represents your speeding Heart rate.. which is why you should lay low unless you want to spend another week in this hospital.."

*gulp* "Okay.. I'll lay low.."

"off you go then"

"right.. thanks Dr. Byun"

-----(flash back end)

So here I am right fed up with this damn thing! I mean I don't mind wearing it for health purposes, because I have asthma attack tendencies but ,seriously! it doesn't have to release this loud annoying beep whenever I get shocked! .. like awhile ago, I dropped a mug and then this thing started to beep uncontrallably loud! I though it would never stop until I found the nerve to calm down and relax..

Fck.. did the doctor say they were recording this? Gahh.. how am I suppose to live this week with dis chunk of junk as a pitiful excuse for a HRM attached to my wrist?!

My thoughts were inturrupted when the doorbell rang.. Oh yeah.. I'm suppose to meet Dae today.. He's my bestfriend, but I really am currently having mixed feelings towards him .. I don't know if I love him in an erotic or philia way.. I'm just really confused plus, one thing that worries me is that he doesn't even know, I'm bi.. I know the 'we're bestfriends so we tell all of our secrets to eachother pact' was suppose to be a law in friendship..but What if he rejects me?! I'm not even sure about my feelings yet and I'm already ranting.. plus, I don't think I can take rejection.. for all I know, I could die from that.. I have a heart illness afterall..

As I walk calmly to the door, a halted before I could grab te doorknob.. and there's that thing again

*beep beep beep beep beep beep*

How the Fck does that even make sense?! I mean of course I have this tight knot weighing over my chest everytime Daehyun comes in the picture, but isn't that normal?! *sigh... I hate this wrist watch ..

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