Jetfire, Egypt?!?!, and Pixie Dust.

Start from the beginning

"I think we can help each other. You know things I don't know. I know things you don't know." I said as I cut the last rope and he looked down at me to continue on talking. "It comes in waves, these vivid symbols. They're symbols, but they're in my mind. All of it is in my mind and Megatron wants what's in there. He and someone called the Fallen." I finished telling him and writing some of the symbols in the sand. Jetfire looked distraught.

"The Fallen? I know him. He left me here to rust. The original Decepticon. He's terrible to work for. It's always apocalypse, chaos, crisis. These transcriptions, they were part of my mission, the Fallen's search. I remember now, for the Dagger's Tip, and the key." He said. He was all over the place in my opinion.

"What? Dagger's Tip? The key? What are you talking about?" I asked trying to clear the confusion. Jetfire, on the other hand, had other plans.

"No time to explain. Hold on, everybody! Stay still or you'll die!" Jetfire said as everyone was gathered near him. We were in the aerospace historic plane lot then falling through the sky into a desert. I grabbed Mikaela and Sam while we were falling, and Wheelie was still cradled into my chest and flipped us around so I would hit the ground first. Everyone was screaming. Even the Autobots. We hit the ground and rolled till we stopped. I hit the ground first and ended up being under all three of them.

"Get off! I can't breathe!" I said. Mikaela and Sam scurried off me while I tried getting my breath back to normal. Everyone was gathering towards Jetfire who was next to me gathering his breath as well. He looked down at me with sympathetic eyes as he scooped me up in his hand.

"You are very selfless. Anyone who was in relation to you would have been proud." He said to me them to the other complaining figures around him. "Oh, shut up. I told you I was opening a space bridge. It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt." He said as he got up and gently placed me onto Bee's shoulder to rest. Leo was complaining and asking questions again, but I didn't have the energy to tell him to shut up. Jetfire did as they snapped at each other. I leaned against Bee's neck as I asked the important question that Jetfire immediately answered.

"Can you tell us why we're in Egypt?"

"This planet was visited by our race once before, by our earliest ancestors, a millennium ago. They were on an exploratory mission to harvest Energon, the lifeblood of our race. Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust, like my wretched self! Do you have any idea what it's like to slowly fall apart and die?" He said getting off-topic. Simmons got him back on topic after a small lecture. "Somewhere buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine. It harvests Energon... by destroying suns." Everyone was shocked but me. I had the feeling we would be saving the solar system. After Jetfire confirmed their worries he continued. "Yes. You see, in the beginning, there were seven Primes, our original leaders. And they set out into the universe, seeking distant suns to harvest. The Primes set out with one rule. Never destroy a planet with life. Until one of them tried to defy this rule. And his name forevermore was the Fallen. He despised the human race and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine. The only way to activate it is with a legendary key called the Matrix of Leadership. A great battle took place over possession of the Matrix. The Fallen was stronger than his brothers, so they had no choice but to steal it and hide it from him. In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to save the Matrix away in a tomb made of their own bodies, a tomb we cannot find. Somewhere, buried in this desert that deadly machine remains. The Fallen knows where it is and if he finds the tomb of the Primes, your world will be no more." He said. It all made sense the warning and how no one knew what it meant. It was from their very beginning of time.

"Okay, how do we stop him?" Mikaela asked.

"Only a Prime can defeat the Fallen. You know him don't you child?" He said looking at me. It brought tears to my eyes and I couldn't look at him.

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