Everyone started to crowd around the bed to hug her and kiss her cheek. She loved having all of this attention, but she wanted it to be from William mostly. She had no clue on what had happened, but all she knew was that she still wanted to marry him. 

William watched as everyone tried to talk all at once,  he sat back and watched. Holly was beautiful as always matted hair and all. He tried to brush it as best as he could, but he was no ladies maid. He was so happy that he had his Holly back. Now they were going to start planning their future, a wedding is just what they needed.

Martha smiled" well since you are awake, we need to make sure that we can move you home as soon as we can."

Holly was trying to tell her that she wanted to stay right where she was, just so she could be close to William. But her mother wouldn't hear of it, since they were not married it would not do if she stayed. Now Holly was wishing that she would have put off them knowing she was awake from her coma. She wasn't ready to leave him yet, this was her home. 

The Duchess was upset about her leaving also," Martha dear, maybe a couple of days might be better to move her. That way we can make sure she doesn't slip back in to a coma."

Martha shook her head" I know that you mean well and as soon as the doctor has confirmed that she is okay. We will have her moved to our estate, I have missed her so."

Anna frowned at loosing Holly, but could understand a mother's heart. Lindsay was sitting on the edge of the bed," Oh Holly, I am so happy that you are awake."

Holly smiled" me too, I have missed you even though I didn't realize that I have been here the whole time."

The Duchess and Martha were discussing that it was not fitting for William to be left in the room with Holly alone anymore. Martha was trying to be very assuring that they needed to move her back home. Holly was trying to refuse, she didn't want to leave William. Martha knew how the two young couple felt about each other, and that alone was her reasoning.

Martha and Anna were discussing it when the doctor came in to find an awake Holly. He saw that she was furrowing her brow. He didn't want anything to upset her, he needed to find out exactly what was causing her to worry. He couldn't have her upset, especially just after she just woke up from a coma.

"Everybody out of the room now! I need to examine my patient."

Everyone stopped in mid sentence, they stared at the intrusion. Once they discovered that it was the doctor they started to question him.  He was not prepared to answer any questions at the time. So he just stared at them.

" Is Holly well enough to be moved back home?"

" Is Holly not well enough to be moved back home?"

"Is she capable of relapsing back into this coma again?"

" When will she be able to walk again?"

" Can she eat more than broth now?"

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