Chapter 1 - Pilot

Start from the beginning

She allowed her hands to swing freely by her sides as she made her way through the greenery towards the river, a small satisfied smile set across her face. Once you were able to look past the crippling loneliness and harsh reality of having to survive, the world she had awoken into was actually rather breathtaking. Mother nature had claimed back that which was hers. Mans structures had crumbled into nothing, and fields and forests had retaken the land. Tachi inhaled deeply through her nose. The air was so fresh, so clean, unlike anything she remembered from before, and as she now approached the river, she couldn't help but be taken aback by how clear the water was, no pollution, no man made sediments, just the bedrock and the crystal clear waters so settled she was able to see her reflection clear as day. Her sandy locks were pulled tightly into the long french plait , tied off tightly at the end. She knew it was best to cut it all off, and she had sat ready to do it more than once...she couldn't though, backing out each time with a heavy sigh. Her mother always loved her hair, and would braid it carefully for her each and every time she asked, her skilled fingers running through it delicately and carefully. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts of those she missed so dearly from her mind before reaching into the cold water and moving the rocks which held her traps in place. A grin stretched across her features at her achievement as she gazed to the two coho salmon she had caught, what a haul this was! It was then she noticed it, a rustling followed by footsteps. She had lived in this world long enough now to know the sounds of various animals, but this one, oh this one she hadn't heard in so long. The noises grew louder, followed by a sound which she felt she hadn't heard in thousands of years, a voice, the words of another human being. She stayed frozen in place, her eyes wide and her trap tight in her hands as someone stumbled forth from the bushes on the other side of the river. His eyes were weary and his hair both odd and wild, and as he reached the rivers edge he to stopped in place, locking eyes with the female stood across from him.

There were a few things which crossed Tachi's mind in those silent moments as she stared at him. He certainly didn't seem very threatening, so that was something. There was a relief, perhaps that she wasn't the only one to survive this whole thing, and of course there was amusement, since he was completely butt naked. She chuckled to herself, an entertained smile stretching across her lips, prompting a smirk from the stranger.

"Oh? What are you laughing at?"

She locked his eyes, they were bright red and amused, but intense at the same time.

"It's just good to know I could be doing worse is all."

He glanced down to himself, shrugging his shoulders in response, his smirk still pulled across his face.

"Well I didn't think anyone else was around to care if my dick was hanging out now did I?"

She laughed in response, shaking her head. It was odd, she knew that before, if this had happened, she would have been a blushing mess, practically offended by his nudity, and yet she was simply amused at the situation. It may have been that she was just so overjoyed to see another human being she was delirious, or perhaps in this new world, in this fresh start... she just didn't consider it a problem. With man eating lions, the threat of starvation, of infection and death from a single scratch, of unknown weather and rough terrain... was being naked in public really that much of a concern anymore?

"How long have you been awake?"

He looked at her with a slightly more serious expression as he awaited her answer. 

"3, maybe 4 months. You?"

"This is my second day."

Tachi was suddenly reminded of how things were when she awoke. Of how hard it had been. It was still hard now of course but then, in those first few weeks, it was nothing short of terrifying to go to bed each night, wondering if she would awaken the next morning. She felt her previously unnoticed defensive stance relax, and sighed deeply. She wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, not now, now ever.

"If you want...."

She trailed off, and raised her hand up, revealing the two captured fish which had long since stopped struggling to breathe.

"You're welcome to come with me. I have a shelter and food. If not, you're welcome to one of these fish I suppose."

His smirk returned and he laughed to himself.

"So willing to give away your food to a complete stranger?"

She sighed.

"I wish someone had been here to offer me the same when I was in your position."

The next thing she knew he was walking through the chilled waters of the river, it wasn't much higher than waist deep, and when he emerged at the other side he shivered lightly while approaching her, his arms wrapping around himself.

"I should also have something we can make you some clothing out of."

His eyes flashed.

"Does my nudity make you uncomfortable?"

She rolled her eyes, prompting an amused laugh.

"Now I'm ten billion percent sure it does."

She held out her empty hand, offering it to him. He shook it quickly, still grinning in that same somewhat maniacal manner.

"I'm Tachi."


Together - A Senku Ishigami Love Story (Dr.Stone)Where stories live. Discover now