Chapter 49

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"Without bloodshed?"

Tachi nodded firmly, as he parroted her condition.

"That's right, none whatsoever. You don't harm a single hair on any of their heads. We do this civilly."

Shin's smile softened, his head lilting slightly before he nodded once quickly as she had.

"That is something I want as badly as you do. We need to prove the villagers can trust us, and that begins by showing them that we can be reasonable and rational."

Tachi furrowed her brow slightly and rolled her lips, Shin's words sinking into her mind for a few seconds. She glanced behind her briefly to the still sleeping Homura, soaring only a few nanoseconds to wonder how someone who had been surviving on her own in the forest for so long could sleep so soundly through their conversation, before she turned her attention back to Shin and huffed lightly.

"Well...If that was already your about letting Homura go as my request?"

He cocked his head curiously, sparing the pink haired girl a quick glance before shifting his eyes to Hajiro.

"Didn't you say that this woman was part of that other village, the one led by the dangerous man."

Tachi tensed a little at the mention of Tsukasa and the Kingdom of Might, a flash of worry striking through her that they knew of the village's powerful leader and the muscle and skill he was commanding. Hajiro confirmed Homura's origins, Shin looking back to Tachi with uncertainty.

"Are you...sure? Isn't she the one that set fire to the village? Hajiro saw the whole thing."

Tachi sighed heavily at the reminder of the events that took place on the days that she had chased through the trees, the day that she had assured her that if she ever saw her again she would be as merciless to her as Tsukasa had been to Senku. She remembered her previous decision not to keep that promise, no matter how much she meant it when she uttered it so hatefully, remembered that it wasn't the way of the Kingdom of Science to act violently or out of hatred. Cleverly, cunningly, carefully. That was how Senku approached things, that was the way of their village, and so she would do the same.

Although she wasn't capable of thinking as far ahead as her resident egghead, she knew that Homura would be a risk from beginning to end if she accompanied them to Ishigami village, just like she would be a risk if they kept her locked up here. Homura was smart, she was agile, and she was ruthless. When she decided it was viable she would get out of harem and she wouldn't care who she had to hurt to do that.

Her final thoughts on it in place, Tachi reiterated her request.

"Yes. Not here though. If you know where the Kingdom of Might is, lead her halfway back there and then let her go. The trap you set was for me right? Then you shouldn't need her at all. Let her go."

Shin appeared to be in contemplation for a few short moments before he shrugged his shoulders.

"If that's what you want. I'll have Hageshi take her the day after tomorrow, when we'll set out for Ishigami village."

Tachi pursed her lips and shook her head.

"I think we would be better heading out shortly after sunrise. The village may not be lead with violence, but it is led by Senku. The longer you wait, the more likely they'll come."

Hajiro agreed with her quickly, he had seen the village's Chief analyse and resolve a situation faster than he himself could comprehend the problem. The man was frighteningly clever, and to make matters worse, they had taken the girl he was in love with. He swallowed thickly, as the very real risks associated with their already in action plan raced through his mind, and subconsciously he glanced towards the window. How long did they have before they were attacked in some utterly incomprehensible manner by the villagers and their bizarre tools and contraptions?

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