Chapter 48

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Tachi slammed her fists against the bars of her prison angrily, her teeth bared viciously and her sharp eyes narrow. She had been battering against the wooden barrier since the moment they had been thrown back behind it, her fists now pulsating painfully as a result, the skin broken and bruised. It didn't stop her though, both the physical and verbal abuse continuing to spew forth from her like lava from an erupting volcano.  

"Big asshole?! Scarface?! Little bitch chief?! I dont care who just someone let me the fuck out of here right now!"

"You need to stop."

Homura's voice cut through her agitated ramblings sharply, the blonde turning abruptly to face her cellmate who stood against the far side wall calmly, her arms folded across her chest and her glare one of immense annoyance. Tachi turned her aggression towards her. Through the entire debacle at the table, the only time Homura had seen fit to speak up was when Tachi had toppled her chair.

"I don't need to do anything! Why didn't you help at dinner? Or are you just happy to be on a leash, regardless of who's holding it?"

Homura remained mostly still at the accusation, although Tachi swore she saw the woman's lips twitch into a snarl for a brief moment. She knew that her words were harsh, but so was their situation, and her fellow captive's could-care-less attitude was nipping at her last nerve.

"I was listening, waiting to see what information we could gather. However your little tantrum quickly put an end to that, and now we're back in the cell with no new information."

When she had asked what it was The Exiled wanted from her, she had known she should at least hear them out, and in a more civil setting, under more amicable circumstances, that likely would have been the case. However after Shin had oh so nonchalantly laced his long fingers together, and with a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth smile, told her that he wanted her help, she couldn't help the tirade of enraged swears and demands for freedom which shot forth from her like a bullet from a gun.

Although in retrospect she admitted that she could have at least let him finish.

What is it they say? Hindsight is 20/20?

With a loud, groaning sigh the blonde sank to the cold, dusty floor. Crossing her legs and huffing in childish defeat.

"What did he mean?"

Tachi's eyes met Homura's once more as the gymnast voiced her question, one which had been percolating in her mind ever since it had first come to light, the pink clad scout staring down at her scrutinizingly, her stern expression locked tightly into place. The blonde quirked a confused brow, watching as Homura's face screwed tighter, apparently annoyed further by her lack of understanding.

"They said you tried to save me. The last time we met you promised that if we crossed paths again you would kill me." 

Homura's gaze remained firm as she awaited an answer, and Tachi chewed on her lip thoroughly for a moment before she shook her head in correction of the statement.

"No...I said if I caught you near the village. I didn't catch you. Besides..."

She trailed off, her shoulders slumping softly and her posture relaxing as a graceful smile fell across her thin lips. When she had issued her threat, she had meant every word of it. This woman was affiliated with Tsukasa, the same Tsukasa who had already snuffed out Senku's life once before. When she had seethed with that pure, white hot rage and those words had dripped through her clenched teeth, she had cemented the decision in her mind. No one was hurting Ishigami village. No one was taking Senku away from them. 

Senku was right though. Hate would only beget more hate. Violence would only beget more violence. Blood didn't have to be spilled for a resolution to be found. You just had to stop and think about it.

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