First day jitters

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Izumi's POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night. Thinking of what happened made me nauseous. How could my parents do this?! I really didn't complain too much about being homeschooled. I prefer being homeschooled anyway.
"Izumi honey, it's time to get up!" My mother yells from downstairs. "Trust me. I'm awake.." I responded irritated.

I get out of bed and grab the uniform that hung in my large closet. "Oh how I despise you." I say staring at the outfit. "I don't think it can hear you honey." My father says scaring the life out of me. "When did you?" I say placing a hand on my beating heart. "I've been standing here actually. I thought you saw me, just wanted to wish you good luck." He says turning and waving his hand dismissively.

I grab the uniform and head to my bathroom locking the door this time. "Might as well look at the bright side! What could go wrong?! Right..?" I say to myself looking in the mirror. "Who am I kidding? This is hell." An hour passes and I'm finally ready. "I kinda like this uniform! It's cute-ish." I giggle and grab my bag and walk downstairs. "Good morning mom, dad, Mr. Aranzado." I say greeting the people sitting/standing in the kitchen. "Good morning honey." My mom says kissing my forehead. "You know Mrs. Haruka is on maternity leave so Mr. Aranzado will be your driver temporarily." My father says pointing to the man next to him.

"I'm cool with that. C'mon I don't wanna be late. Bye pops." I say walking towards the door. "Bye kiddo." He says in return. Mr. Aranzado follows not to far behind me.
"You know where you're going?" I ask jokingly looking back at him. "Yes I do, Ms. Izumi." He says his straight face and deep monotone voice not wavering. At all.
"Ahhh, drop the Ms. it was a joke okay?" I say getting in the back of the car. "I understand Izumi."

We finally reach the school gates. We drive pass the guard and onto campus. A few people are lingering outside the school but don't seem to mind the car pulling up. "We're here Izumi." Mr. Aranzado says stopping the car. "Yeah yeah. I know. Tell dad to be here." I say opening the door. "I will." I step out and it's like everything stopped. I close the door nervously as the stares get heavier. "B-bye Mr. Aranzado.." I say my voice wavering heavily. "Goodbye Izumi." That's it. He just drove off leaving me in this battle zone.

I turn nervously as the whispers and stares grow as I walk toward the school door. It gets worse when I finally open the door. It's like they haven't seen a girl before! I hate it! "STOP STARING!" I say accidentally. That was meant to be said in my head, but it worked. Most people looked away or acted like they didn't even notice my presence. The few that didn't care what I said continued to question my being. Some of the whispers I heard was 'is that a cross dresser?' Or 'when were girls allowed here?' I hate it already. I finally make it to the office.

"Ms. Midnight! How are you?" I asked shocked she still worked here. "Oh Izu, you've grown so much! I haven't seen you since you were so small!" She says wrapping me in a bear hug. "Oh well it isn't the time for reunion! Here's your schedule. Your father made me print it out earlier for you." She hands me a paper with classes and floor number. "That's all you need! Bye love." She waves me off and back into the wild I go.

I walk pass people and classrooms looking for 1-A. I passed 1-B so I must've been close. "Ugh this place is huge!" I say bringing my hands to my head. I turn to my right and guess what's right there. A huge door with 1-A on it. "Oh there it is." I take a deep breath and open the door walking in and standing next to the teacher. All talking stops. That's starting to annoy me. "H-Hi....?" I wave at them slightly. They stay quiet until

"WHAT?!!!!" They all scream. Should've known.

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