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Izumi's Pov
Why? My day was gonna normal, heck even perfect! Until my father came home. He was extremely excited which threw me off just a bit because he's usually tired on most days. I look past it thinking it was just another caffeine high. He proceeds to give me a quick greeting then briskly moving past me into the kitchen.

Ya see these would've been major red flags on a regular day. But I decided against my gut.

Never go against your gut.

I turned to go in the same direction as he did but was stopped by my mother walking out not as happy as dad but close. My father soon follows after. Now they are both blocking me from the kitchen.

Like I said children. Never go against your gut. I should've went upstairs to ignore this fiasco but no. I wasn't smart enough. Curiosity killed the cat. Me being confused out of my damn mind decides to ask my mother what her and my father were so happy about.

"Oh Izumi, my poor precious child. Me and your father decided to enroll you into highschool!" My mother says in way too much excitement that I started to get happy. I've been homeschooled since the kindergarten since the issue in pre-K. "And no honey, not any highschool. MY HIGHSCHOOL!" My father continues. My happiness fades remembering the School my Father works at. "U.A? THE BOYS ACADEMY?!"

I didn't know rather to be offended or confused. Offended that he thinks I'll fit in with a school of boys, or confused he would let his baby girl be in a class- sorry, SCHOOL full of boys! "I talked it over with the staff and the board (Your mother) and they said you'd make a great addition to the school's culture! So starting tomorrow you will be in Class 1-A. I had your tailor make a fitting uniform for you. And just because you're my daughter doesn't mean anything. You will still be in school colors."

I should've went upstairs. Trusting your gut keeps shit from happening....seriously.

"Yay........." I'm so Fuckin' lucky.

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