Dating Conor Would Include:

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-Conor actually starting to cry when you beat him in a game.
~You feel bad and let him win next round.

-You met by running into him in school, literally.
~At that time, he wasn't looking for a girlfriend.
~But he did become your friend.

-He was surprised when you told him you like him.
~Seriously, he fell on the floor and laid there, thinking.
~ "Y/n Y/l/n, a beautiful girl, likes me, Conor, an ugly boy."
~"Conor, I'm still here. Sit up. And you are not ugly."

-Being Jealous of Ashely.
~I mean, he did kiss her.

-Being disgusted when Wendell attempts to flirt with you.
~"Wendell, you're gross. Take a seat."

-Skipping class to hang out (and game) with "Thumbs of Fury"

-You tricked him into having the first kiss.
~You were 2 points away from beating him at a game. To distract him, you kissed him.
~Neither one of you won the game, Wendell killed both of your characters, but you did finally get to kiss Conor.

-Staying up late night with Conor, watching him play video games.
~and sometimes playing video games with him.

-He gets horny easily.
~But most people just think he's blushing.
~His face turns extremely red.

-Interrupting him when he makes videos for his fans.

-Being surprised when Conor changes up his shoes.

-Ashely being confused as to what was happening when you and Conor started dating.
~You called her slow and told her it was none of her business.

-Just like Franklin calls Conor Sir, he calls you Ma'am.

-You and Conor are partners in crime.

-Mr. Spanks getting mad when you and Conor make out in class.
~"Detach your lips, trolls!"
~"Give us 5 more minutes!"

-You sit in front of Conor in class.

-Dance battles.

-Going to hang out with Billy at his restaurant.
~Never eating the food because...eww!

-Going to arcades.

-Conor gets triggered when someone doesn't understand a game.
~He will actually yell in their face.
~You always calm him down.

-Sometimes, he gives up playing his games to spend some time with you.
~You usually have movie nights.
~Sometimes, he takes you out to eat.
~And an occasional walk on the beach. Just the two of you.

-One time, you got so mad at him for saying "I'd choose my games over you any day."
~You didn't talk to him for weeks.
~He became depressed because he thought you'd never ever talk to him again.
~You Actually weren't gonna talk to him, but he showed up at your balcony with pizza.
~He apologized and kissed you.
~One thing led to another.
~He told you that if he ever said something so rude to you again, you could sell all of his gaming gear.

-Lots of challenges to see who can go the longest without Gaming.

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