What Happened in Shanghai Pt 1

Start from the beginning

Didi: 😈⚔️⛓

Kuan: 💣💥💥

Didi: 🤬💣🧨🧨💀⚰️

Kuan: 🏳️🏳️

Yue: GUYS!! Grow up! At the rate we are talking, we are not going anywhere!

Didi: YES, Teacher Shen!!

Kuan: YES, Teacher Shen!!

Jia Qi: Teacher Shen is the best👍🏻💛

Yue: 💪🏻✌🏻

Xi Ze: Okay, its a deal! See you all in a few days' time. 😎

Kuan: 😴

Kang: I miss you guys! 😭😭

Jia Qi: Let's hotpot when you get back!

Didi: 😎

Yue: Byeeeeeeee ☺️


In another group chat....

Yue: Hey, what do they know about us? Kuan is such a tease tonight 🙄

Didi: There is no "us", Shen Yue. At least not yet 😉

Yue: Geez, it's impossible to talk to you.🤦🏻‍♀️

Didi: Then don't.

Yue: Wang He Di!

Didi: Yes, Teacher Shen? 😉

Yue: 😤

Didi: 😘 Ok, ok let's talk. Only Xi Ze knows. Actually he guessed it. Maybe Kuan suspected. Did you share with Jia Qi?

Yue: Some....

Didi: What is "some"?

Yue: Some-thing like....Didi has a crush on me 😝

Didi: Smart. On point too. Did you tell her how you feel? Because I would really like to ask her.

Yue: Didi! 

Didi: 😝😝 I'm just teasing you.

Yue: I'm not ready to tell our friends because....I need more time.

Didi: Hey, you got time okay👌🏻

Yue: 👍🏻

Didi: Yue ...can we spend some time alone in Shanghai? I mean.... if you want to.

Yue: Hmmm, maybe🤔

Didi: Is that a yes or no? It's a VIP privilege😉

Yue: oooo I'm so flattered. 🤩

Didi: Seriously, Yue. I'm heading to Italy for a week right after Tencent. I don't know when will be the next time.

No response.

Didi: Are you still there?

No blue tick.

Didi: Yue!!

Yue: Dui Bu Qi! I went to remove my make-up. So much better now☺️

Didi: You never take me seriously.

Yue: That is not true. Where do you wanna go?

Didi: It's a secret.

Yue: Why so secretive? Must be the rooftop where I gave u the cookies.

Didi: You....what? How did you....🤦🏻‍♂️

Yue: Just a lucky guess? Sorry Didi. 😌

Didi: I can never hide from you. So is it a deal?

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