They were sat face to face. Bomin had been told to set a tiny table to put the teapot etc in front of the couch where Namjoon comfortably sat. And Seokjin sat in the chair on the opposite side. Well, with hands in the back and were tied on the chair. And a large napkin covered his mouth so he couldn't talk. It was the worst Sunday afternoon ever. It would be the ugliest afternoon tea ever if there weren't white and pink carnations on a vase adorned the table beside the teapot.

Seokjin was there to listen Namjoon babbling about Hoseok.

And even after what had happened on him, and even after Namjoon hurted him mentally and physically, Seokjin still had heart for the man. Because Seokjin could see the loneliness and miseries on the man's beads. Because Seokjin could tell the grief and distress. Because Seokjin could feel the sorrows and suffers.

And even after what had happened on him, and even after Namjoon hurted him mentally and physically, Seokjin still wanted to hug the man. Still wanted to give the man warm embrace and tell him sorry for the loss. Tell the man that he loved him. Tell the man that he could help to heal the pain.

But Seokjin could only staring the man from his place, in silence, with shrinking heart. Shattered.

And those white and pink carnations were the only objects that helped him to stay sane.

He asked Bomin when the young lad cleaned up the table and untied his hands, why the house surrounded by carnations instead of roses or any other kind of popular garden flowers. Bomin told him that Mrs Kim, Namjoon's mother's favorite flower was white and pink carnations. She left a beautiful garden for her son to look after, before she went away to far away place no one could reach her to come back.

Namjoon was raised alone by his father since his second year of Junior High School. Namjoon was so young when his mother left him. And those carnations were always more than just flowers.

And based on Namjoon's babblement, Seokjin concluded that Hoseok was everything since his mother left.


Another week has been away after the afternoon tea, and nothing happened. Namjoon didn't come to the room and didn't touch him.

And it was the third week since Seokjin been kidnapped.

The pretty guy was asleep that night but he stirred and raised an awareness when he heard a creaking sounds from the door. He twisted his position and found Namjoon stood there near the bed. Staring at him with sad look.

"N-namjoon?" Seokjin stuttered.

The man just stood up there, didn't answer. The man just stood up silently as he looked like he was just cried and it was somehow made Seokjin felt miserable.

He did what the man told him, to read the book. The olive green Hoseok's lyrics book. He finished to read what was written there. There were implied lines described how Hoseok kept his feelings for so long. He wasn't sure about those implied lines, but he was somehow felt the guilt haunted him, though he could swear he didn't do anything wrong. Well, some people had this ability to made you felt guilty. Namjoon made him felt that way. Though he could swear Hoseok was never asked him for a date or tell him things related feelings. He could swear he didn't break anyone's heart. But somehow he believed, he made Namjoon, the man on his daydreams became Namjoon, the man on his nightmares.


"Why didn't you say yes and accept him?" The man asked with thrembled husky voice. "He loved you. And he was my beloved friend..." A single tears fell down on the man's cheek. "You killed him..."

Seokjin was never quite grasp what was really happened. Hoseok was never telling him about feelings. But why he became the one to blame just because his name and birthdate was written there inside Hoseok's olive green lyrics book.

"I didn't kill anyone..."

"He just wanted to be loved by you..."

And ohh those implied lines, written there...

And the man let another tears dropped. Sobbed like a child.

And Seokjin couldn't hold himself to jumped off the bed and reached the man, to give the grieving one a warm hug. Once again Seokjin couldn't deny that his feelings towards Namjoon way bigger than anything. Seokjin wanted to believe that the man was hurt and what had happened between them was only misunderstanding. Seokjin still wanted Namjoon to listen the explanation. Seokjin still wanted Namjoon to receive the genuine warm embrace he offered. Seokjin still wanted Namjoon to trust him, that he wasn't the cause of Jung bright Hoseok's death. Seokjin wanted to convince, it wasn't suicide, though he wasn't sure.

Seokjin was there for a moment to calm the man with his warm embrace. Though the chains was still locked on his ankle. Though he was technically kidnapped.

He was there brushed the man's blond hair lovingly. Shushed the man and patted the man's back gently. Told the man that he was sorry for what happened to his beloved friend.

He was there to give the man warm embrace as he noticed and smelt the glint of alcohol and cigarette.

He was there to give the man warm embrace until the man slowly release the arms wrapped around the body, and staring at him with those dark and evilish beads.

"Namjoon, are you okay? Are you feeling better? We can talk if you want. I will listen..."

Seokjin was naive. And his heart was stolen. Though after those torture and rudeness Namjoon did, he still had the love and affection for the man, the same, as big as before.

He was too late to realized when Namjoon smirked and shoved him down on the mattress. Pinned him with his legs, as the man tied his wrists on the headboard bed.



Wanna guess something? Any clue?

Review as always. Thank you ~

Forgive Me - NamJin ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang