Chapter 33 - The Start of My City

Start from the beginning

As I do, I begin to feel everything shake from where I have crouched down. The tremor continues as time passes, and gets even stronger as the ground starts to rise up into the air around the village.

After the tremors ease up, the walls start to change. As if they are shedding off all the dirt on them, and it falls to the ground revealing a beautiful white color with a light green hue.

Once the wall has finished rising from the earth, I turn my focus towards the farmland that's not too far from my position. I imagine the earth around it moving through the terrain. Guiding the flowing Earth through the gateway arches and into a nice location outside of the wall. This way we can expand the fields without the worry of taking up too much space inside the walls.

After I finished moving the fields, I went to stand up, but nearly fell over. My head felt like it was swirling, and my vision was a little fuzzy. I suppose I used more magic than I thought I would. For now, I just make sure to keep my feet steady, as my body shakes to keep standing. I'll definitely need to rest for a little bit to recover my magic, so for now the walls will just look like large flat slates. After recovering, I can then make them look more appealing, and set up the channel for the water to flow through.

I slowly turned around to go find a place to rest, when Sana runs up to help support my body. I smile at her and realize how lucky I am to have her in my life. For a moment I forget about everything else as I stare into Sana's eyes, but quickly snap back to reality when I hear the villagers running up.

"Lord Sora!" (Tour guy)

"Ah, it's the tour guide...sorry you have to see me in this state, it seems I've used up more magic than I expected. I'll be alright after a little rest." (Sora)

"Please, use my home for your resting. You actually managed to create such a secure wall for the village, so it's the least I can do for you My Lord." (Tour)

I smile at him and accept his kind gesture wholeheartedly. After all, where else would I be able to sleep? I doubt my people would feel comfortable knowing their lord was camping out in the forest or something.

With Sana, and the tour guide supporting my body, we make our way to where his home is. Or rather, his hut. However, I won't complain. First will be their safety, and after that I can work on improving their housing.

"So, tour guide." (Sora)

"My Lord?" (Tour)

"I suppose it would be rude to continue calling you 'tour guide' so, what is your name? As well as your role in the village?" (Sora)

"Ah, my name is Pend. I'm the eldest son of the previous village chief. I also assist in patrolling the outskirts of the village for Intruders or monsters." (Tour -> Pend)

"Previous village chief? Did something happen?" (Sora)

"Sadly, father was killed in a monster raid a few years back, so I've had to take on the role of chief to try and protect the village. It's been hard on my younger sister, but she's been doing alright recently. She's been playing well with the other kids, and seems happy so I can't really complain." (Pend)

"Well, I hope you make sure to keep talking about him with her. She is still young, I assume, so she'll probably have lots of questions about how he acted and what he liked. If you both choose to dodge the topic of discussion, then I believe you will both end up suffering for it. Remember Pend, bottling your emotions and hiding them where they cant be seen, is unhealthy for your mind, as well as hers...I hope you both spent ample time grieving..." (Sora)

As I spoke these words I felt his hands clutch my clothes a little tighter, and when I looked to him he had a sad look in his eyes. I believe he understood what I meant and knew I was speaking the truth. After all...I know from experience as well, about losing your family and not seeing them again. I took my sadness out on Kami, and have yet to open up to someone about it. At the moment I can only do so with Akio. I understand that I promised Sana that I would no longer keep secrets from her, but I just don't understand how to even bring up this topic for discussion.

"Sana?" (Sora)

"Hm?" (Sana)

"Are you hungry?" (Sora)

"Can keep going" (Sana)

"I see, well then. While I rest would you mind providing assistance to the villagers? Helping them get situated with the new location of the fields, and help set up temporary guard shifts for the gates. After I've rested, I'll work on finishing up the hard labor." (Sora)

"I help?" (Sana)

"You don't know Earth Magic Sana. So that type of work can be left to me...I suppose for now, could you ask them to take you to the Grand River, and plan out a path for it to come to the town?" (Sora)

"I'll do my best!" (Sana)

She seems fired up, and as soon as we are inside Pend's home, my body is lain on top of the straw mattress. It's uncomfortable compared to an inn, but I'm a little too tired to really complain much about it vocally. Then, before I could think of what other instructions to give out, my consciousness slips from me, and I fall into a slumber.


(A/N: sorry about the short chapter, working on rewriting the villainess story so I can get that out, and started back up, as fast as I can.)

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