Chapter 18

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Hey! Barbie girl by Aqua is the lyrics video on the side (No offense to anybody who likes Aqua or the song, It's just part of the chapter) <3

"I'm a barbie girl, 

In a barbie world, 

Life in plastic! It's fantastic!"

I woke up to this, I woke up to Barbie Girl by Aqua and let me tell you it got annoying! This 'music' was coming from Lexi's room and I caught myself wondering if Hannah was thinking the same thing as me.

It's been a week since Spike confessed to me that Gabrielle was his mate and it's been a week in this g0d-forsaken house and Lexi's poor choice of music! I mean I love her, she's my sister but seriously?!

"You can brush my hair,

Undress me everywhere imagination,

Life is your creation!"

I'm currently sitting in bed trying to drown out the music with my pillows! I got tired and decided to confront Lexi in her poor choice of music. 


"Turn that sh!t off!" I yelled from behind Lexi's door. She yanked it open half dressed with a toothbrush hanging out the side of her mouth.

"Dish yew just cwall mwi swong shwit?!" Lexi narrowed her eyes at me, I looked behind her and noticed Hannah wasn't in her crib, Lexi and Hannah had ajoining rooms so I could see her crib from the door way which she was not in.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the door way waiting while Lexi finished brushing her teeth, still half naked.

"Hey Lexi?" I decided to get my revenge for waking me up to 'Barbie let's go party!' or whatever you call it. 

"WHAT?!" She yelled from the bathroom.

"I have a simple question? It involves a simple answer." I looked down at my nails pretending to be interested in them.

"Yesss" she dragged out her answer.

"Do you think I should get my nails done?" No, that's not my actual question but I wanted to see her reaction. I heard her face palm herself.

"That's your genius question?" she asked in an 'are you serious?' type of way. I straightend myself and looked in the direction of Hannah's room.

"No, actually I was wondering if you know where Hannah is?" I looked over at her and she was now in the door way looking around frantically as if she would pop up at any minute.

"Oh no! Not again! Where did she go?!" Lexi started freaking out, Yeah, That's another thing she keeps on 'losing' Hannah but in Lexi's defense Hannah is very sneaky and very fast for a little girl. She would make a patrol wolf when she gets older.

"Don't look at me! This is the third time this week, I've given up on helping." I put my hands up in surrender. In all honesty I already know where she is, by the lake, because I gave her my favorite bracelet and being that it has my scent I can sniff it out from anywhere that way I know where she is 24/7. pretty cool right?

She took off to the lake obviously figuring it out the same time I did, 

"Lexi! You have no clothes on!!" I yelled through out the house, let's hope Spike isn't sneaking around or he's gonna get an eye full. Not a bad thing though, They've been dating for a week and Spike told Lexi about the whole 'mate' thing and she accepted it. 

As far as I know? They are gonna try to be together which means that there will be no hard feelings if there temptation to be with there mate over-rides their temptation to be with each other. But, hey, I'm not the one in the relationship.. or any relationship for that matter..

I'm a loner! It finally hit me, I need sleep. I went back to my bedroom and my head hit the pillow as I fell into a dreamless slumber


"Hannah! there you-" I found Hannah at the lake playing with a certain someone.. Jack..

 UhOh! Hehe, sorry for the cliff hanger!

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