Just Your Problem《Tom Lucitor x Demon! reader ➼ Angst》Pt. 1

Comenzar desde el principio

Star explained while walking over to the couch where Marco was sitting. Marco, who was starting to realise at what was going on, nodded his head slowly, saying a silent 'oh' as if he just realised what a wand was. 

Star sighed irritatedly as she decided to call her mom in her mirror phone. She straightened her posture and tidied her room a little as she walked over to the mirror, ripping the cloth away. Marco looked at Star with a little worry in his eyes. 

"Star, what if you accidentally call Tom again? I mean, that didn't go so well. Maybe we should just, cut a portal, and talk to her." Marco suggested, shrugging his shoulders. "Marco! Quiet! (Y/N) is still sleeping here if you don't remember," Star shushed him as she continued to talk. "Besides, That was only one time when I accidentally called Tom. What are the odds of me calling Tom again?" She smirked as she chuckled at the thought of calling Tom again.

She cleared her throat as she spoke to the mirror. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall: Call Mom." 

"Calling Tom." The mirror replied, as she saw the word 'dialling' appear on the mirror. 

Star shrieked. "No, no, no, no, no! Not again!" She continued to yell as Marco stifled his laughter in the background. Marco smirked. "What were the chances, right Star?" Star glared at him as she mouthed a 'shut up' to him. 

Right before Tom picked up the call, you woke up, rubbing your eyes, as you walked over to Star and Marco. At least, that's what you remembered Star calling him. You tapped her shoulder as she whirled around, the mirror on the wall finally showing some colour only to reveal a purple, male demon with salmon pink hair and three, blood red eyes. 

"Hey Star!" The boy smiled cheerfully. "And Marco." He grumbled the last bit out. Yo had about managed to thank Star, when the demon started to talk to her not even realising the new girl in the room. "I'm so glad you decided to call me again! So Star, How ya doin? I miss you, you know? I want you back. And... whose the new demon girl?" He asked, finally noticing you. 

You weren't sure why, but this male demon sent the bats in your stomach to go lurching into high distances that were never felt before. He was really cute and you wondered whether he and Star were together once, since he said 'I want you back.' Your stomach twisted at the sentence.

"Hi Tom." Star groaned. "No, I do not miss you, I do not want you back, and Marco and I are dating. Plus, to answer your last question, this is (Y/N) (L/N). My cousin, the forgotten princess Mewni. Now goodbye." Star was about to hang up when Tom screeched, "STAR! NO! DON'T HANG UP." But it was too late. The princess had hung up.

You turned to Marco to see his reaction to what Star said about him and her, only to see a blushing tomato in his place. The shade of red he blushed was so dark, that he was darker than his hoodie. Star turned around and sighed. "Sorry, Marco. I had to tell, he wasn't pissing off. And (Y/N), it's true. Marco and I are dating. Tom's just my ex. He had too many anger issues." 

Star slowly walked over to you and sat down beside you on her bed. "(Y/N)," she began. "Please promise me that you won't call him on my mirror. I don't want you to face the same angry Tom that I did. Please promise me that you won't even think about talking or texting or calling him. Even though I ship you two so hard." Star mumbled the last bit out. 

Sighing, you silently nodded, reminding yourself that Star only wanted the best for you, and that she wasn't being selfish by keeping Tom to herself. 

Star smiled softly as she started to become her lively, bubbly self again, as she talked to you about school and how she was going to convince her parents, or Marco's parents, to enrol you into Echo Creek Academy. You smiled at the thought of going to school but decided to tell Star that you'll be joining school later. Star smiled softly as she agreed with you and you yawned widely, still extremely tired from everything that had happened. 

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