Chapter thirty six - Epilogue

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A few days since New Years and I was already loaded with work. Studying was difficult especially when I started waitressing at my favourite cafe. Austin quit his job at All Seasons once he finished up university and got a full time job soon after

For the next few weeks I would be stuck with training new employees, but honestly I didn't mind. What I did mind was that a few of the trainees would constantly ask me for Tom's number.

The last time Tom and I spoke was in late August. We put a stop to our relationship, we both agreed on it. Although it hurt me, it was for the best. I hardly saw him and we hardly spoke. It was already hard to keep in touch and our busy schedules made it even more tough.

There were rumours going around that Tom and Zendaya were dating, I wasn't sure about that but it sounded so...real. I didn't dare text or call Tom after we broke it off, nor did he call me.

But that was a year ago. Today I was finally graduating from university. I was so excited as I waited for my name to be called.

"Alana Giselle Harper Montez." The principal calls my name out and I step forward to make my speech as valedictorian.


"Can you believe it?" Cordelia asks excitedly.

"I'm a graduate. We are graduates." I say and we laugh.

Cordelia had finished up her last year in university and had just received her degree in Business Management. Cordelia still worked for Mr West, tomorrow I would apply for a job as a high school teacher.

I was beyond happy to be finished with studying. After the graduation my mother drove me home. As we pulled up at the house my mother put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Mom, I know there gonna be a surprise." I tell her as she helps me to the front door.

"Dear, I know." I mother says.

Suddenly the blindfold is ripped off and I see my mother's home filled with people. I stare in happiness at the familiar faces, some I haven't seen in a long time.

"Aunty Al." The sweet voice of Brooke called.

The small ball of energy tackled my leg and hugs them, cute and adorable laughs escape her mouth as she does so. I look down at her and smile. I pick her up and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you everyone." I say to everybody in the room.

"You look pretty aunt Al." Brook says playing with my hair, I rarely wore it loose while I studied.

"Thanks you sweetheart." I say and kiss her cheek on last time and set her back into the ground.

The party continued until late afternoon. I was enjoying seeing people I haven't in so long. The company was great for once, I didn't really have a social life, so it was good reconnecting with people I loved so dearly.

Not only did the cake that my mom got shock me but so did the presence of the Holland family, except I didn't see Tom at all. It was a bit heartbreaking, who am I kidding? I was still heartbroken. 

We cut the cake and served each person a slice. For once I wasn't that photographer, the person who is always taking pictures at an event, but Dylan was. It was so sweet seeing him with his wife and daughter, Maggy. I wish my life would have ended up so perfect, but it looks like I'll be one of those old woman with a cat as her companion, maybe a dog too.

As I cut myself another slice of the cake I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I set the knife down and turned around to come face to face a familiar person...Austin...

Nope, I'm just kidding. I turned around and saw a head of curls, soft brown eyes, and soft and kissable lips...Tom...

"Lana, hey. Congratulations on graduating." Tom says and hugs me.

My heart first skips a beat at the nickname he used. He was the last person to ever call me that. But not only did my heart skip but my stomach did a 360° turn as Tom hugged me.

Luckily I reacted fast and hugged him back. 'Act as if everything is normal.' I mentally prepared myself for the worse.

"Thank you." I say and smile.

"You look beautiful." Tom says and this makes me smile.

"Thanks." I say and turn back around to cut me some cake.

"Look I'm sorry for not calling you. Let me make it up to you. How about you let me buy you a coffee." Tom says.

"If we're re-enacting how we met, it didn't happen this way." I tell him as I turn around and face him with my plate of cake in my hand.

"This cake is so good." I say.

"Here, try." I say and feed him a piece of cake. For some reason the air wasn't tense between us like I would have thought it would be. It seemed like we were still dating, it felt like nice.

"You are right, this is good." Tom says.

"So you still wear it." Tom states and looks at the ring/necklace around my neck.

"Yeah, I never took it off." I say and look at him and he smiles sweetly and lovingly.

"Can...can I try something. But promise me you won't get a... angry." Tom says stuttering a bit.

"Okay." I answer and drag the word out, becoming suspicious.

Tom leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. I froze in shock and wondered why he would suddenly do this. Tom quickly pulls away and I then realise that I didn't kiss back, WHY DIDN'T I KISS BACK?

"I...I need to go." Tom says and as his phone begins ringing.

I watch him take his phone out of his jaket's pocket and walk off into the crowd of people, disappearing for the rest of the day, night and maybe forever in my life...

My eyes stayed glued on where he disappeared into the crowd. I was snapped out of my daze by a hand being placed in my shoulder.

"You okay sis?" Calum questioned, giving me a worried look.

"Yeah," unsurety laced the word. Instead of looking up at Calum and having him question me as to why I seem so down, I kept my eyes on the cake in my plate. I didn't want to talk right now, not with my mind reaching so fast.

After starting at the cake for a few seconds I finally began to eat it, the cake I had fed Tom just moments ago...


Posted book 2, it's called Say You Will ^ it's the picture above that I inserted.

Sorry, I haven't posted in such a long time...
School's hectic.

Here you go, the epilogue of PHOTOGRAPHER,
done and dusted. Not the ending we were all hoping for.
Don't worry there's a second book in the making...

~✌️ALY ~

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