" chéri " coffeshop oumeno

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The small red haired girl was wiping the counter of the coffeeshop when suddenly she heared the door swing open, immediately she started to put away the cloth she was wiping with and looked up, ready to start her work day.

"Well if it isn't Yumeno-chan~" Kokichi snickered as she leaned on the counter and stared into her eyes.

Kokichi and Himiko had met through their best friends introducing them to eachother and though they may quarrel here and there, it was obviously just over foolish things that didn't really matter to them.

"May I take your order?" Himiko asked and she put on her smile, the smile she wore to work, while taking out a small memo notepad ready to take his order.

"Are you the only one working today?" The purple haired male asked, Himiko was ready to pinch his face for how annoying he was being but since her co-worker and her boss was there they probably might be watching through the cameras.

"No, I'm not," She replied briefly, "May  I take your order?" The girl repeats, waiting for a serious response.

"I'll take a latte, and you~" Kokichi smirked at Himiko but she didnt bother giving it any reaction, she wrote it "latte for the idiot" on the memo pad she owned and went up to her co-worker.

After some time, Kokichi's latte was finally served to him (while also being labeled "Idiot") and he payed for it, the boy drank it peacefully while watching Himiko serve other customers walk in and then walk out. When it finally was very busy, he walked out as well and finished his drink. Kokichi took one last look at Himiko and then walked away from the coffeeshop.

"Are you just gonna let him leave?" One of Himiko's co-workers whispered, causing Himiko to blush a bit. Himiko nodded and kept working, for the rest of the day her co-workers noticed a change in how she was serving coffee when he had left. The smile that she proudly wore was gone when he had left, but maybe she was just getting tired.

Time passed by very quickly, quicker than Himiko had imagined, just as she was about to leave she made a latte and she wasn't sure why.

She left with latte in hand, too caught up in writing something on it, she then looked up to see that Kokichi had returned and they met eyes for a few moments. Kokichi's smirk returned and Himiko scoffed a bit.

"What's that in your hand?" Kokichi asked curiously, tilting his head a bit. Himiko found this adorable and she smiled stunning the boy in front of him, his eyes unable to look away from her happy expression.

"Here is another latte, Do you want it?" Himiko replied she stretched out her hand that was holding it towards Kokichi, "You want it?"

"Of course I do." He chuckled while walking up to her and grabbed the drink, he examined it and found one word written on it, "chéri."

Kokichi didnt know what it meant, only that it seemed to be some word written in another language. The boy looked up to see the girl who had given him the drink but all she did was smile, this time her cheeks were tinted pink and her smile was a bit wider.

"Cherry?" Kokichi said out loud, Himiko laughed and walked right past him. He turned around to find her skipping happily like she was some happy-go-lucky 5 year old.

"What does it mean?" He quizzed. Himiko stopped and turned to face him, a hand on her lips.

"You're an idiot, thats what it means!" Himiko taunted and ran away giggling, Kokichi sensed that those words were obviously a lie and he laughed a bit.

"Wait after me dummy!" Kokichi yelled, chasing right after Himiko. They didn't seem to know where exactly they were gonna go, it was like they were playing a game of tag out on the streets. People may stare at them but they didnt seem to care at all, and hopefully it stays that way.

[ t i m e     s  k i p ]

Himiko stopped right at the park and sat on the bench there, Kokichi followed afterwards and sat right beside her.

"Do you wanna know what the word means now?" Himiko spoke but Kokichi just smiled then looked up at the sky, it was already the afternoon.

"No, Its better this way..." Kokichi sighed, Himiko was shocked by this reaction but decided to play along and she looked up to the sky as well.

"Oh mon cher~" Himiko sang, "Je t'aime" She intertwined her fingers with Kokichi's, he was so confused but he smiled at her when he realized what it may mean.

Kokichi leaned forward so that his forehead would was touching Himiko's forehead, he stared at her reddish brown eyes and smiled softly, which was rare.

"You're pretty bold today, y'know?" Kokichi mumbled, Himiko rolled her eyes and laughed a bit.

Kokichi took a deep breath in and exhaled quietly. He closed his eyes and blushed at the words he was about to say

"Ich liebe dich."

" i love you, idiot " - OumenoWhere stories live. Discover now