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Jungkook's POV

Notre Dame's Cuisine.....

So this is where Ren is taking Tzuyu for.

I need to find her and explain to her to explain to me about everything. I let out a breath of cold air before opening my steps, only to be blocked by a bodyguard.

"I'm sorry sir, this restaurant has a dress code." He stopped me by hand.

"A dress code?"

"Suit and tie." He stated.


I went back out to the city streets and start walking down on the walkways. You know that I'm not allowed to be seen in the broad public. Why do you have to do me this way?

I found a tailor shop just around the corner from the restaurant and spotted a neat suit. "This could work....."

I entered the shop and rent the suit, I asked the tailor that I want to use it just for this night so that I can enter the restaurant with ease. After a heated argument, I just showed him my credit card to which he accepted with a gleeful smile.

You can shut almost anyone with money.

Typical people, I rolled my eyes and sighed. I need to be fast, I need to know what truly happened with her. I ran back towards the receptionist with a full-on black blazer and tie with a neat white collared shirt to go along. Let's keep this as simple as possible.

"Alright sir, you can come in."

"Thank you." I was about to enter when he suddenly stopped me. "Oh sorry sir, I forgot. Your face mask."

"Face mask?"

"Tonight's theme is masquerade. Every customer gets a complimentary face mask."He handed me a white masquerade mask and I just stare at it for a few seconds.

I was dumbfounded.

"At least, I can hide."

I put it on and I immediately searched this huge restaurant which is decorated with jewelry and chandeliers. I looked for her in the middle of the ballroom where customers get to dance with their partners.

I ran up the elegant stairs and went to the second where most tables are overlooking the ground below by situated at the balcony.

"Think Jungkook think if I was a cold-hearted girl where would I be. This is such a huge place, covering as many grounds as possible in a short amount of time is impossible."

Then the song slowed down and I looked down below, as if we were on cue, the customers asked their permission from their partners to dance with each other. Little by little the main room is littered with people waltzing like there's no tomorrow.

And at that moment, I saw her...

With Ren.

I can see that she is hurt but shes doesn't show it through facial expression, her cold static nature and the aura she's giving is what's giving it away.

They stopped in the middle of the ball and I cane see Ren reaching out to her hand. Without any emotion, Tzuyu let him do his thing.

I was in distraught, heartbroken seeing the girl you've been close with is suffering emotionally through all of this and I can't do anything about it. All I can do is observe for an opportunity to reach to her.

And there it was.....

Ren let go of her hands and proceeded to what it seems is him having an incoming call.

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