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Disclaimer: Hey guys, before I started this story I need to tell you that I change my style of writing by not inserting POVs because it didn't have that much well you know excitement. Plus reading greenhornet stories is just fun and I got inspired by the author's way of writing. Note that I'll be writing this style to all of my stories so be sure to check out all of them. It's pretty interesting and also check out greenhornet causes she make the awesome stories I've read.

3 hours ago.......

"Hey Jungkook,wake up you sleepy head!"

Taehyung repeatedly beat his dongsaeng lightly with a body pillow. It's already on the break of dawn and he is completely tired.

Not taking any well deserved rest after what happened last night. He still can't get off the thought of bumping into her.

Man, last night was confusing. He thought.

He slowly raise his body with a pillow near his chest, lightly hugging it. His hair was messy and he lightly ruffled his hair.

"Hyung, what time is it?" Jungkook asked.

"6:30 AM. Get up you block head. We have an important schedule during breakfast."

Taehyung is annoyed by his dongsaeng laziness but in the end, he got used to it. Jungkook is fully aware now of what his hyung just said and him scratched his head in confusion.

"What are we going to do today? Shouldn't we have to go to Korea tomorrow? We need to get some rest."

Jungkook sigh as he knew the the life of an idol is not all fun and games. Sometimes he just wanted to quit and live a normal life but that is just absurd as he loves his career so much.

"Well...... I don't know either...... but PD-nim wanted us to go to a restaurant for some 'special occasion'. It's all on him so who am I to argue with free food."

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, then he grab Jungkook's towel and throw it into his face.

"Here, go get ready. Jimin is already finished alongside Yoongi hyung. Don't go there looking like a mess. The last I thing I want is our group getting a bad rep."

Taehyung said while crossing his arms. He sounded like Jin hyung sometimes, his influence is taking a toll on Taehyung. The last thing he wanted is to have two nagging hyungs in the house.

"Since when Yoongi hyung wake up early?"

"Uhh,it's a grusome tale to talk about but let's just say he got a little bit..... angrier this morning."

At the moment, they both hear a growling sound coming from the door then it slowly faded.

They guessed that Yoongi hyung must have pass their door by now. They both looked at each other and chuckled.

"Okay, tell the hyungs I'm gonna be ready for awhile."

"Will do."

Hours have pass and BTS have finally reach to their said location. It's a seaside hill restaurant which serve the best chinese infused breakfast seafood.

They walk through the main entrance and can't do anything but being astounded by the interior decoration of the restaurant. It gives out an oceanic blue aura and a perfect windowed view to the sea.

Don't Leave (Tzukook) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now