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Jungkook's POV

"Hey, Jungkook. This time,try not to be so obvious." Jin fixing his hair at the mirror.

Wh-what? I get up from laying on the couch and looking at Jin hyung,baffled. I was confused by his words.

"Yeah, the fans might be upset if they know that you like Tzuyu." Namjoon said.

"For the last time, I don't like her!"

"Yeah,right." Jimin rolled his eyes.

I just pouted at what my hyungs said which made them laugh. Gosh,will they ever stop teasing me. I'm getting frustrated every time they mention her name. My heart started to beat faster than before. Argh...why is this happen everytime..

"To be honest, Jungkook. You seem kinda like a perfect match for her. Yeah, you're kinda shy towards girls and she's a bit insecure." Hoseok said while raising his eyebrows.

I just sigh,ignoring Hoseok hyung and walk towards the green room's door to wait for my hyungs. I just scrolled down my phone while waiting for them to finish done with all the grooming. Taehyung who has done his hair came up to me which I noticed.

"Hey, Jungkook." Taehyung said.


"Could you please tag along with me to the toilet." He give a smirk.

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and just nodded,irritated.

"Okay hyung, whatever you say."

"Great." He said then grabbing my arm which took me by surprise and bolted out of the room

"W-woah, hold it hyung. You're gonna messed up my hair."



"Yeah,pretty much." he said while sweeping up dust from his outfit and checking his hair on the mirror.

"Great, cause we need to catch up with the others before the show started."

"Can't wait aren't you?" Taehyung grinned.

"Really? Didn't I told you a million times already ." I said while glaring at him.

Taehyung just laugh at me while I opened the door to the hallway. ignoring him. Taehyung walked beside me while we're searching for BTS. It feels kinda like a maze with all the sign are written in Mandarin. I fixed my sleeve while on the way to them while Taehyung was busy focusing on his phone. After a few staircases and turns, Taehyung was bumped by someone after we turn to a corner

Taehyung was knock back to the floor and I quickly kneel down to help him,not noticing the one who had bumped into him.

"Are you okay,hyung?!"

He rubbed his back in pain and let out a painful groan. I looked back at who bumped into him and I can't believe who it was.

"Argh, my back.... it hurts." Taehyung groaned and looking at me but his face was confused after  noticing my face has completely frozen.

"Hey, are you okay Jungkook?"Taehyung asked.

He looked at where I'm staring at and he immediately knew why I was shook. He glare his eyes at me and nodded while I just stood there,frozen.

"Dahyun unnie ,are you alright?"

"Yeah, pretty much. My back hurts though." She chuckled while rubbing her back,making both of them laugh.

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