My Moment

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Have you ever heard a song all of a sudden, on TV or radio and just smiled without any reason ?

Yes I do that a lot, its not about the lyrics or how related it is to what I am going through, it's more like it's slightly massaging my brain, my thoughts and my emotions, it just gives that relaxation moment till it reaches too deep that you start smiling without recognizing how noticeable your smile is...

I frankly dislike when someone comments on that smile without having any clue of what I'm into, these love comments irritates me specially that I'm not even a mile close to this love topic, let's be honest if I was to think about my love life, and so on I wouldn't do so in public, especially in front such people whom I can barely swallow their comments.

" You know how the time flies only yesterday was the time of our life, we were born and raised in a summer haze bound by the surprise of our glory days"

If you could recognize this song and found yourself singing it, well lets be pals! I remember there was this time where I used to sing this song thinking that I could perfectly hit all the vocals, oh well there came out a new song and I started singing. I can't tell you how I was shocked from my voice, don't laugh but I figured out that singing wasn't my hidden talent. Even though I still think I am good singing this song specifically, well call it magic!

Is it normal, trying to adjust myself to all circumstances even if it wasn't something necessary I find myself convinced that I need to know more, practice more, learn and act as if I'm a pro or so whatever.

For example, I had these friends who are so into history, wars, politics etc. guess what I've done.

I don't think I need to tell you. But despite the time I spent feeding my mind with unnecessary historical information I do have a good amount of knowledge now well it's what I need for having a conversation that makes sense with them without feeling like a dork in between.

Bold Dreams

Who didn't dream of visiting the most famous sites or museum in the world, well I dreamed of visiting the wax museum, already putting a list of what I really want to take a picture with, well my dream doesn't stop here, did you forget that I need to travel for 4-8 hours to reach there, well I already got that planned on my mind, travelling as a first class (yes luxury dream!!) I did hear they have a whole bathroom set for the first class, I can even have a movie night in my seat, that's a whole different life inside a machine, can't we just live in an airplane? This will save a lot of real-estates, since people will start living up there in the sky, imagine waking up every day to see a different view from your own window, today your above the sea the next day you'll find yourself above Atlanta.

Lets hold up now! I went too far with my imagination till I actually felt its almost real, going back to reality I still need to find a way to convince some people they aren't the last on this earth, not even that rare. People need to chill for real they act as if the day wouldn't be ok if they aren't satisfied or haven't dragged enough attention. if you are of this type let's be honest there is a million or maybe a trillion person just like you, all they think of is that they are some rare diamond which should be treated like a queen, darling life is hard enough and last thing we need is to spend the good part of it satisfying your ego.

People don't get it when watching other going to luxury restaurants, visiting dope places and trying some exciting activities, cant that be the result of a really hard work? Maybe that person spent a whole 10 years working hard without having a day for spoiling himself and started doing so once he reached success. Don't envy be happy for him, learn from his experience, go for it as good things never come easily you will need to give it time, effort and patience without these key elements every success you think you reached will only be temporarily and will eventually break down, all because there wasn't a strong base to rely on, you will need years to build on that base, the more it took, it becomes stronger and last for a lifetime to support you. 

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