Chapter 30:

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Alright! Thats enough practice tonight. Pack up and go home. The coach blows his whistle.

Hai! Everyone was about to leave until you spoke up.


Aomine-icchi! Kise calls out aomines name.

Making everyone's eyes go from you to him.

Tch. Aomine rubbed the back of his head.

What are you doing here? Kise asks.

Pointing at you he speaks. Making everyone eye's turn to you.

You haven't texted me since this morning.

I got in trouble because of you!! You pouted.

Ehh? You have her number.

Ignoring Kise, Aomine continues. Did you tell them about the letter?

What letter? The boys asked in sync.

I see. You haven't.

Sighing you dig into your bag. Pulling out a neat envelope. Here.

What's this? Kasamatsu-senpi asks opening it.

It's just a stupid note that seirin's coach made. Aomine replies annoyed.

Are you going to go? Aomine asks turning back towards you.

Seeing your team reading the note you shake your head no.

Karu and the boys will be okay without me.

Karu Finished the letter and looked at you. Interrupting yours and Aomines conversation.

What do you mean your not going. You are absolutely going. I can't deal alone. Your going right.

Guilt tripping you you cave in. Yea

Nice one!! Kawa-senpi says smiling.

Whos this? Aomine asked staring at karu.

This is-

You must be Aomine. She looks at him smiling.

You know my name? He asks raising an eyebrow.

Yea. Nanami talks about you.

Oh does she now. Aomine gives you his pervy grin.

Its not like that! You yell trying to hide your tomatoe face.

Snickering. Kise interrupts.

The two of you sure are close.

You could say that.

No you can't!

Aomine catches a glance of karu's chest. You seeing this hit him.

Ow. What? He asks pretending to be innocent.

You know what.

Are you jealous or something?

No. I could care less.

Even if your smaller than your friend I still wouldn't mind you.

Smaller than me? Karu asks.

He's comparing your breast size. Kise mentions.

Huuuh! Pervert. Blushing karu covers herself.

Well I'll just wait outside Nanami. Aomine waves.

So you and Aomine? Karu asks slyly.

Who would've guessed aomine ichhi and Tetsu-chin. Kise chimes in.

Its not like that!!! You try to defend yourself. But just make it worse by blushing.

Don't worry. We aren't mad or anything. Kawa-senpi says. Patting your head.

Yea. Karu continues slyly.

Kasamatsu-senpi, Bori-senpi. You believe me right? You asked worried.

Yea. Bori senpi says emotionless.

Its your business to be honest Nanami. Kasamatsu-senpi says looking away.

Sighing you change the subject. So are we going to the joint training camp.

Yea. It'll be great training. Knowing all the GOM's will be there.

But make sure you guys parent's are okay with it. I already texted coach. He said we will be leaving Saturday.

Since tomorrow is Friday he said we won't have practice. But he said to be at school before 11:00am.

If were late he will give us extra practice.

Waah Kasamatsu-icchi. I didn't know you already told the coach.

I'm always prepared baka!

Ehh really?

Annoyed he punches kise. Making him whine.

Tomorrow's Friday. Bori-senpi cuts in.

Yea. I know its a little short notice. But it'll be fine. Karu hums. Right Nanami?

Yea. It'll be fine.

Then it's settled!! Kawa-senpi yells excitedly. We leave saturday!! Make sure you guys arent late!!!

11:00am it is then.

Everyone agrees and disbands. Heading home. Since its really late.

Before you forget. You grab Kise's shirt. You wanted to apologize for telling him to leave you alone earlier you didnt mean to hurt him.

Hmm? Looking at you. You look away. Um a-about e-earlier-

It's fine. Dont worry about it.


You shouldn't keep Aomine-icchi waiting.

W-we are-nt da-ting.

You dont have to explain anything to me. Ill see you tomorrow. He says waving you bye.

Standing there you look dumbfounded.

Done flirting with Kise?


I didn't mean to ease drop. I just wanted to see what was taking you so long.


Like Kise said. You dont have to explain anything.

Aomine grabs your bag. Are you ready to go home.

T-thank you for walking me home.

Dont worry about it. Lets go. I'm hungry.

So thats the only reason why your here.

Who said that?

Ignoring his question. You and Aomine began leaving Kaijo high school.

Heading to your place...

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