Chapter 18:

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Waking up to the sound of your alarm clock you groan. I stayed up too late talking to kasamatsu and the others!

I don't even feel like getting outta bed. But I have to go to this check up or they might put me back into the hospital.

Sighing you kick the blankets off of you and head to your closet.

Looking through your closet you grab your black skinny jeans. A light yellow sweater and a blue- jeaned jactet.

 A light yellow sweater and a blue- jeaned jactet

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You already looked at the weather today. Its gonna rain. Changing into your clothes. You grab your black bookbag and head to the bathroom.

You wash your face, brush your teeth, and do your hair quickly. You really just wanna get this over with.

Skipping wasn't an option. Finishing up you make your way down stairs.


Uw- you slip on a stair and fall down.

Ow. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Koroko holds his hand out to you. Taking it you rub your aches.

Aren't you supposed to be at practice. I know how much you love basketball.

It's okay. I told them I was going to the hospital. And they didn't freak out? No well everyone was a little worried.

But I told them it was for you. I wanted to go with you. Just to make sure my little sister is ok.

Speaking of ok. Is that ok with you Nana?

Shaking your head you smiled. Of course but you aren't gonna get in trouble are you?

No. They said I could go. I'll just have double training when I get back and they also want to know the results.

Ugh. Don't remind me.

Remind you?

Kasamatsu-senpi and the team also wants to know my results. Oh and I'm also getting a punishment for skipping two days of practice.

I didn't know you joined their team as a manager. I did but not until yesterday.

If they treat you bad tell me.

Dont worry Ni-san ill be ok.

What time is your appointment?


Then we should get going. Its 9am.
Seeing Ni-san point at the clock.

Oh! We can't be late!

Watching you slip on your shoes koroko follows behind.

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Arriving at the hospital. You take a deep breath. You felt tensed.

Catching on koroko pats your head. Don't worry, I'm here.


Entering the hospital you look to find the elevator.

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