chapter 11: things happen

Start from the beginning

A- "I love you. So much" he said kissing me on the head

V- "I love you too"

I then fell asleep on his warm chest.

*the next morning*

Day #40

Archie's POV:

I woke up to my room full of sunlight. I was pretty hungry, Veronica was lying on my chest so I moved her head a bit trying not to wake her. I got up and went downstairs to see my parents eating

M- "Morning Archie"

A- "morning guys"

F- "How'd you sleep kiddo?"

A- "Good" I smiled and started eating the pancakes that were on my plate

Soon I saw Ronnie coming into the room, rubbing her eyes and yawning

M- "Good morning sunshine"

V- "Morning Mrs Andrews"

Then Veronica came over and kissed me on the cheek.

A- "Good morning to you too" I laughed

We all were eating until Veronica got a call

V- "I gotta take this" she said hurrying away

Veronica's POV

V- "hey mom"

H- "hey sweetie"

H- "I have exciting news for you!!"

V- "what is it?"

H- "do you remember the Keene family?"

V- "yeah mom of course, Katy was only my best friend for like 5 years"

Katy was one of mine and Betty's best friends. She moved during sophomore year, and her parents never let her get a phone. It's sad because we couldn't keep in touch.

H- "well do you know how they moved to California"

V- "Yeeah?"

H- "Well, they wanted me to inform you that Katy will be moving to your area in New York, and she wants to reunite"

V- "OMG mom no way!!"

H- "I'm being 100% honest"

V- "that's great mom, where does she wanna meet?"

H- "At this cafe in your area called La bonne nuit five."

V- "okay mom, keep in touch. I love you, tell dad I love him"

H- "Okay bye Veronica"

I went back to finish my breakfast and the Andrew's looked at me like I was crazy

A- "You look very happy. What's up?"

V- "My old friend Katy is moving to New York!"

A- "That's great Ronnie" Archie said pulling me onto his lap

M- "That's amazing news Veronica"

*Time skip*

I was on my way to meet Katy, I was so exited but nervous at the same time.

I arrived and the driver dropped me off at the doors

I walked in to see Katy sitting on her phone

V- "Katy!"

K- "V!" She said looking up from her phone and standing up to give me a giant hug

K- "I'm so sorry I couldn't call my parents-"

V- "its okay, I promise" I said sitting down

The waiter soon came and asked us what we want to drink

W- "Hello and welcome to La bonne nuit, can I get you a drink or a pastry"

K- " I'll have a Green tea and a strawberry pie, please"

Pie= Pretty little liars treat ;)

V- " and I'll have a cafè latte with some cream on the side please"

W- "alright coming right up"

K-  "Congrats on your engagement V"

V- "Thank you, I'm still kinda mad at my parents for using me as a child bride though"

K- "Who's the lucky guy?" She said smiling

V- "His name is Archie Andrew's, aka the boy of my dreams"

K- "omg swoon!"

V- "he told me he loved me last night, and I told him I loved him back."

K- " So cute!! When can I meet the lucky guy?"

V- "Well we are hosting an engagement party, it's a secret for right now though so shh"

The waiter then brought over our drinks.

K- "my lips are sealed"

We both laughed and took a sip of our drinks

V- "why haven't I been here before, this place is amazing!"

K- "why do you think I picked it?"

K- "So how has Betty been lately"

V- "dont tell anyone this, but Betty and my fiance's best friend have been seeing eachother"

K- "OMG"

V- "shh quiet down"

K- "wait doesn't Betty live in riverdale?"

V- "Riverdale is only like 3 hours away if you drive"

V- "We see each other at least once a week and everyday on the phone"

K- "Next time you do tag me along"

V- "deal"

Me and Katy talked for a while and both headed home. Her parents bought her an apartment since they have quite a bit of money themselves. I went home and watched a movie with Archie

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