Birthday girl

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TODAYYYYYYY ISSSS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I looked over to Chris to see he was still sleep so I decided to give him a wake up call. I got up and jumped on him. I yelled " BABBBBBBYYYYYYYY ITSS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYY" He slowly woke up and in a raspy voice he said " I know baby i didn't forget" he sat up and I sat on him. He put his arms around my waist and I put mines and his neck. "what we doing today baby" I said. He said " first me u and they gang going to the state fair that's coming then we gonna go to the club and finally we gonna go out to dinner. "OHHHHH THAT SOUNDS FUNNN" I said excitedly. Chris started to bit his lip and move his hands to my butt. I kissed him while grinding slowly on him not breaking the kiss. He looked at me and pushed me off him then he got up and started laughing. "YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE LIKE THIS CHRIS" I JUST DID" he said while walking downstairs. I got up and went in the shower and thought to myself "at dinner imma get his ass back" we chilled until it was time to go. the door rung and Chris answered it I turned around and seen ny,tyga,Bri,August,ty,trey,niya and Dave.
Ny:you ready to go

Des: you already know

Bri: hol up where we going August dragged me out of bed

Ty: trey did too

Niya: and Dave

Dave:Y'all is so clueless

Trey: it's des birthday

Ny: no duh dumbass

Ty: ny stfu before I beat you and tyga ass

Tyga: I didn't even do nothing

Ny: stop playing we hanging out all day today

Niya: we do that everyday but ok

Ny: don't get ya ass beat too you know what I mean

* we all walked out laughing*
*6hours later after the fair and the club.... now at dinner*
Des: now the time to get Chris back.
When Chris was talking I reached over and started playing with cj and seen Chris started to move around and started Stuttering on his words
Tyga: you good bro

Chris: y-y-yeah I'm c-c-cool

I looked over to see all the girls smiling at each other. My phone started vibrating.
Phone conversation
(Its a gc btw)

Bri: des you not slick


Niya: y u doing this to him

Des: cz he had the nerve to tease me this
morning now it's payback

Ty: you so evil

Des: girl u already know🤫😂😂

Des: y'all should play along it's fun

Ny: I'm already on it
End of phone conversation
I looked around the table and couldn't help but laugh of how all the boys was suffering. I started rubbing cj more aggressively and felt Chris going up. He screamed out " C-C-CHECK F*CK DES, CHECK PLEASE!"
We all said our goodbyes and me and Chris hopped into the car.
Chris: what was that

Des: what??

Chris: don't play dumb

Des:I'm not

Chris:yeah ight

I leaned over kissing his neck marking my territory. He started gripping the wheel tighter and started driving faster. We pulled up at the house and I couldn't even get through the door before Chris picked me up carried me up the stairs.While still in his arms I reached down to my feet and grabbed my heels and threw them across the room."CHRIS DO NOT DROP ME" I said. "Shut yo ass upI got you " he said. Walking into the room Chris threw me on the bed and took his shirt off climbing between my legs. Tracing my fingers down his abs while he's kissing on my neck I reached his belt buckle he gripped my hand and said "calm down let me please you first" he got up out the bed leaving me there dumbfounded. Before he walked out the door he turned around and said "be out that dress when I get back" rushing to get out of the bed almost falling I immediately stripped out the dress.

Chris P.O.V
I already knew what des was doing at dinner. I hope she can finish what she started. Let's just say this is her big birthday present. I filled the cup up with ice with pieces in my mouth chewing down trying to crunch it really fast while walking up the stairs.

Des P.O.V
Chris walked in the room with a red plastic cup and ice in his mouth. He climbed back on top of me kissing my stomach Arching my back because it was cold.He made his way down to my panty line ripping them. He took another piece of ice and traced my pearl with it."Chriiiiis" "hmm" he said sending vibrations through me.He finally put the magic tongue on me causing sleep to wash over me. "You ain't done yet" he yanked my legs down to him without caution he rammed in me causing me to scream. Only thing heard in the room was moans,groans, and the headboard hitting the wall. After five rounds I got up to freshen up,well I thought. Putting one foot one the floor I fell straight on my face and Chris bursted our laughing and said "you ok baby?" I replied "sthu stupid ass" mumbling the last part. " what was that?" He asked. "Nothing damn" I said. "I love you too baby happy birthday" he said while laughing. Trying to keep my laugh in I failed and said "I love you too baby"

Happy birthday dessss 💙💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️ ALSO SHOUT OUT TO NIYA FOR HELPING ME 💕💕💕💕

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