Chapter 22

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Love? That's what Liam had repeated like a broken record but the word had no meaning in Abby's perspectives. Not anymore at least. The simple word had lost all it meanings and any associated compassions a long time ago for her. There was a time when she would have gone to depth of underworld just to hear those words from Liam but today, in this moment it only made her scoff bitterly.

She laughed bitterly at the predicament she was currently in. Once upon a time she had confessed those exact words to Liam before the entire school population, in the middle of cafeteria with all the passions she could gather but it wasn't enough.

She wasn't enough for him.

Stop it!

Her mind warned against dwelling further into the situation and opening those never healing wounds again.

Oh how cruel her destiny was? Years ago her pain filled cried rattled the wall of this very building and today cries of the man who caused her all the misery in the world carried the same affect.

Destiny was such a bitch. When you think that you won against all odds it comes and bite you in the ass. Here she was consoling the very same man who broke her.

The very same man who ripped her heart with such brutality that magnitude of the pain was still rattling. Here she was in his house, cradling him in her arms as if he was the most precious gem in her life.

Scoffing bitterly at herself as more tears slid down her eyes, Abby leaned back against the headboard. Adjusting her head away from Liam, she brushed Cole's silky hair. Watching her son sleep peacefully, she wept more, fearing for his future without her.

Sunlight from the windows illuminated the room, making Cole stir in his sleep to take cover in shade. Dragging his small body along the mattress, he buried his face on the side of Abby's body. His tiny arm flung itself over her waist only to be blocked by a huge head.

He immediately snapped his eyes open in order to stare at the intruder in their bed. Cole glared at Liam for taking his spot.

Huffing with annoyance, Cole tried to push Liam's head of Abby's abdomen but it only made Liam tighten his grip on Abby's waist. Snarling like a cute puppy, he fisted Liam's hair in both of his hand, pulling his head away from his mother.


Liam hissed in pain, immediately snapping his eyes open and close them again due to the brightness in the room.


Liam cried again as Cole tried to drag his head away from Abby by his hair. Adjusting his eyes in the brightness of room quickly, Liam glared over his shoulder at Cole for waking him in such a rude way.

Tilting his head to the side, Cole equally returned his glare. Narrowing his blazing eyes at the older man, Cole glanced at his sleeping mother and then back at Liam. He silently warned Liam to get away from her as soon as possible.

Following Cole's head motion, Liam glanced up at Abby's face. He almost choked on his breath watching Abby in his bed. His heart fluttered in his chest with every breath she inhaled. This was it, she was finally his forever. Maybe he had died and gone to heave, Liam thought as a smile tugged at his face starring at her angelic face. Oh how long has he waited for this moment? To be in her arms every night like the last night. Oh how he would give everything in this world just to see her in his bed again? Finally Abby accepted him and now he will do anything to keep her by his side forever.

Liam's body automatically leaned towards Abby's face in order to kiss her only for Cole to pull his hair back.


Liam hissed smirking back at Cole, merely inches from Abby's lips. Cole slit his eyes warning the older man to get away from his mother. Cole released his hair and immediately moved closer to Abby. He wrapped his arms around her neck and smirked at the jealousy on Liam's face when Abby pulled him on top of her.

"See" Cole mouthed smugly, snuggling closer to Abby. Growling lowly, Liam tried to push his head between mother and son but it only made the younger boy chuckle and hold on to his mother dearly. Smiling to himself, Liam tried to head-butt him away, only for Abby to move and bury her head in the pillow. Liam smirked at Cole's pouting face as Abby was no longer holding him but hugging the billow beside her.

To be continue.....

Author note:

Hey guys sorry for the late update. i am fianlly off school now so i can write now. yay... anyways this is what i got so far for this chapter but i will add more to it later. I need a poster for my new story so please make me one because i keep thinking about that story and it's diffcult to write this one. The name of the story is Breaking my Heart. So Thank you very much

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