Chapter 26

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"You're good as dead."

"Fuck you."

"You dip shit."

"This fucker is dead today."

"Come here you bitch"

"Get off of me, you bastards."

"How dare you touch our sister a again?"

"Grr... if it wasn't for Abby..."

"How dare you mention her name from that filthy mouth of yours."

"You dare you near my daughter again."

"I warned you never come near her again."

"How dare you even think about our Abby."

"She is mine. Fuck you all."

"You fucker."

Abby ran down the stairs as fast as she can. The entire house filled with shrieks, cries, grunts and things smashing to pieces. She was sacred to discover the blood battled downstairs but she couldn't stand there and do nothing. She had to stopped this madness otherwise someone was going to be found dead soon enough.

"Ag. Get off of me."

"Leave me, so i can kill that son of bitch."

"Wait till i get my hands on you."

"Let me go. I am gonna kill that bastard."

The voice of her father, brothers and Liam continued to echoed the house as they cursed and tried to kill each other. Liam's security guards tried to hold the boys back but it was no help. It was difficult to hold back five ragging brothers and a pissed off husband as they continued to slam into each other.

Slamming the door open to the living room, Abby rushed in. Her eyes widening at the scene before her. There in the middle of the living room was a group of men surrounding Liam.

Addie had Liam's collar in his hands while he punched his already bloody and bruised face while Liam held on to Addie's collar and punched his equally bruised face.

Mason, Alex and the twins were in a circle around Liam and Addie trying to land a punch on Liam as the security guards tried to pull them back.

"You fucker." Liam screamed and punched Addie in the face while the secuirty guard behind Liam tried to pull him back. But he was not having any of that.

"Boys kill him." Abby's father shouted from some-where and all hell broke loose once again as Abby's brother jumped on Liam and his security guard once again.

The living room was trashed to that point of no return. The circle of men fighting seems unbreakable as they banged and slammed into the walls, taking the frames down along with it.

Oh God. oh God this is bad. They are going to kill each other.

Abby thought as she tried to absorb the initial shock of the situation.

"Mum, they are fighting." Cole tugged on her hand making her snap out of her own little panic attack.

Abby turned towards her son to see the fear in his eyes. He was sacred. Her son was sacred. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she swallowed back her own anxiety and her blood boiled in rage at the men in her life.

How dare they make her son cry? She thought as she picked Cole from the floor and placed him in the arms of a maid who had came to call her.

"Baby, its okay. Mum is here. Don't be scared. Now i want to you stay with this miss okay? Don't get down. Don't come after me okay? Mum is going to go in there and stop your uncles" Abby asked calmly, placing a kiss on Cole's head when he nodded at her instruction like a good boy.

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