Chapter 35

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The orange glow of morning light penetrated through the thick curtains in Abby's room. Her eyes wide awake as she glared at the ceiling while a certain naked man slept peacefully on top of her.

It's been two hours that she had been lying in the same position being cuddled to death. She had not slept a wink in the past two hours and the morning had already started to creep up on her.

The moment Liam joined her on bed, she knew she won't be sleeping at all and It had nothing to do with him literally pressing down on her. She had become like this over the years, never sleeping in anyone's presence only Cole was an exception.

Liam had manage to wrap himself around Abby like a vine. His legs entangled with her. His arms wrapped around her waist as if afraid she going to vanish soon. His head rested on her chest as he manged to crawl his way between her legs.

He was very heavy and very much naked like that day he was born. He had kicked his towel off in the first fifteen minutes of him passing out on top of her.

Abby's movement were very limited with such a heavy body pressing down on her. She didn't dare to move much either since Liam was naked and she didn't want to touch  "something" accidentally. She sighed tiredly. Her life was so messed up.

Liam slept like a baby. Only her arms provided him the comfort to sleep like this. Its been years since he slept so soundly and peacefully. He hugged her, nuzzled her breast, inhaling her scent and slept like there was no tomorrow. Life was perfect in the moment. If he died today he would die a very happy man, Liam thought as he pressed more into his lover.

Abby laughed bitterly at her bitch of a life. She used to hold this very man just like this every night in the past because he was so broken and years later the roles had revered. Now she was the one who was broken and hurt but the difference was that there was no one to hold her, comfort her.

She was not going to hurt herself any further. She didn't want to keep holding him. This was business. She had kept her side of the deal long enough, Abby thought as she carefully twisted on her side with Liam still clinging to her.

She panted heavily. Gosh the man was fucking built like a wall. He was so God damn heavy. Liam whined as he held Abby even more firmly then before and buried his face more against her chest. Abby stilled for a minute, allowing him to settle down. He really was a small boy stuck in a man's body.

Abby carefully and slowly untangled her limbs for his clutches. She carefully picked his head and placed it on the pillow behind while Liam mumbled some incoherent words in his sleep. His hand reaching out to her once again but she quickly pushed the pillow in his grip and he settled down.

Abby sighed she barely managed to escape his greedy paws. Liam continued to stay asleep, hugging on to the pillow for dear life.

Liam's long hair fell on his face and his soft lips were in a pout as he slept. He looked just like Cole in his sleep and automatically Abby's hand reached out and brushed the hair out of his face tenderly like she does for Cole.

What the fuck am I doing?

Abby thought as she withdrawal her hand like it was engulfed in flames. She quickly sat up on the bed with her legs hanging off on the floor. She rubbed her temples to stop the pounding there. Her headache was becoming a more frequent thing now.

Sleep. She need to sleep badly because she didn't want to revisit those dark places in her mind. She needed to shut her brain otherwise she would go crazy. It was not the right time to get depressed. Abby reminded herself as she left the bed but not before taking one last glance at Liam to make sure he was still asleep.

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