-1- The Suicidal Freak's Wall [boyxboy]

Start from the beginning

Police came to investigate me; of course after the suicide charade, they assumed I was a serial killer and blamed my family’s sudden disappearance on me. I showed the note with the documents, which had a fair amount of detail in it about our financial problems and the police officers offered to find me a foster home so I could continue school.

I shook my head at the time and declined politely. Didn’t they know a crazy child when they saw one?

I never tried to contact my family again. I deactivated my Facebook account, leaving no trace that I had ever existed as a person in the Internet world.

I had a part time job that paid well for someone my age at a book store. The manager was kind to me and offered his hand in confiding to him about my problems any day. I said thanks but never took it to heart.

My second job was to deliver newspaper all over the town. Because most people expected it by early morning, I had to rise around 5 o’ clock in the morning and pedal furiously all around the barely illuminated streets.

It was always a pain in the ass to get up when I barely got enough sleep, but once I went outside, the air’s cool wind always made me feel that I was not that much of a failure. Those two things are completely unrelated but I really felt that way.

The wounds on my body are slowly healing. They still look terribly revolting, but the large patches have gotten smaller. It’ll take me years to fully heal them, and I’ll still be left with many dark scars.

I hadn’t gone to school for about a year now. It’d always been an easy job maintaining A’s, unlike my friends, but my appearance was too much of a struggle for me. People asked questions when they saw something unusual, and after a while it began to get annoying.

Life didn’t hold anything nice for me in the future I guess. I didn’t plan on raising a family and all that corny crap sweet guys say when they’re explaining their life story. All I really wanted to do is just live by myself, and die when my time comes. There’s not much I was looking forward to besides that.

Maybe I wanted to live my life with less pain but that’s impossible, seeing as the situation I was in right now.

I wasn’t an interesting person, you know. It’s just that if people exist two thousand years from now, they’ll need all the information they can get, and this could be one of them.

I was quiet most of the time, but I lost my cool easily. My anger didn’t explode, but you could clearly see “Get away from me,” written all over my forehead if I’d been provoked.

People have described me as smart but all that ended in seventh grade, when my body’s weird appearance outshined my intelligence. You can just taste all the sarcasm I put in that.

I haven’t talked to any of my friends since I dropped out of school so abruptly, and I doubt they want to talk to a person who has tried to kill himself before.

Is there anything else I’ve missed?

Guess not. Let me begin then.

Chapter 1: What’s Your Name?

(A/N: This is the first time I’ve ever included a title for each chapter so I apologize if the titles aren’t that great. Please bear with me! Thanks for the support!)

Fwup! Fwup! Fwup!

I threw the neatly tied wads of newspaper on each special place of the select houses I passed.

“Almost done, just,” I panted, “one more stop to go!”

I paused in front of the small apartment building. There were rumors that the guy had bought off the entire apartment set, and remodeled the whole thing, making it into a large mansion for his own purposes. Nobody seemed to live there but him.

The Suicidal Freak's Wall [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now