-1- The Suicidal Freak's Wall [boyxboy]

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“Hey, what’s up with those bandages, Kadence?” a mean-looking kid I didn’t know asked.

“Don’t touch them,” I hissed at him. He sneered at my reply, and advanced towards me anyways.

“Think you’re tough! You’re just a wimp!” he yelled, and ripped every bandage off of me.

People around me gasped as the horrible sight they were seeing. The back of my knees and the crooks of my elbows were red with irritation, tiny nail marks carving all over the unhuman like skin, dried blood scabbing over. I bit my lip, drawing blood, because it hurt so much, even if I just moved a tiny step.

“Dude what is up with your…”

“Eww! That looks so nasty….”

“You look disgusting…”




The names came one by one, bitterness after cruelty after abuse. I was the freak. And now, only the freak.

I quit everything. I stopped going out in public and drawing. I used to do that a lot, just go out and sit in a shady spot under a tree and draw whatever was going on through my mind. I loved doing it, and now I avoided going outside at all. Nowadays, I just went outside and sat in the patio, reading. I rarely drew anything because it reminded me of the days before I was exposed so hideously.

I felt so terribly alone.

It all started in seventh grade. I always had irritating areas of skin that would bother me during the night. At first, it had gone away with a simple dab of ointment, but then it kept coming back.

It became anightmare.The sleepless nights as I struggled with the hives and broke out in cold sweats. The never ending amount of stares I got from people when I went out in public. Because of my skin condition, many people made fun of me endlessly, and all of my friends decided it would be such a great idea to go and hang out with other people like I wasn’t there anymore.

There was nothing I could do about it, and one day, my patience exploded. I tried to take my own life with a razor, and nearly bled to death.

My mom found me lying in the bathroom floor, but the ambulance came just in time so I could be revived. To attempt suicide is nothing, but to be saved from it is plain degrading.

I remember kicking and screaming for them to let me die but they didn’t listen. Mom brought me back home, but she fled the state with my younger sister the next week.

She left me a note that said:

Dear Kadence,

I love you, Lisa loves you, you know that? When we found you in the bathroom, nearly drowning in your blood, we cracked. We just cracked, son! How could you try to take your own life when you have such a bright future? You may not seem like anything now but I promise one day you’ll contribute great things to this world that we live in. We know you will.

So I’ve decided to go out of state for a while with Lisa…you know, leave you with some alone time. The house is already ours, so it’s okay. I’ve got some saved up money in my account, you can use that. The documents and passwords are all stapled to this note. I love you so much, never forget that. I’ll see you soon.



I didn’t have to worry about the house, but the bills were still in need of payment. Immediately, I dropped out of high school in my junior year and went to find a job.

The Suicidal Freak's Wall [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now