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Melissa POV

Melissa's outfit:

I wake up and get dressed quickly

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I wake up and get dressed quickly. It's about 12 AM. I grab my cleaning supplies from under the bed and run to get to the queen of hearts' house. When I got there Quinn opened the door. Quinn is the 7 year old daughter of the queen. The red head was probably getting ready for terrorizing some people before she goes to school. I wish I could go but I don't have nearly enough time to do that. Besides I home school myself. "Hey Quinn does your mother have a list for me today or is it just the usual?" I asked. "The usual plus her laundry and shoes oh and scraping the bunions off her feet. Yuck!!!" Quinn said wrinkling her nose at the last part. I hurry up with the normal chores and then go to scrape the bunions off her feet I then wash the clothes and hang them up to dry before polishing her shoes. I then rushed out the room I couldn't be late as I had to scrub the floors for lady Tremaine. After scrubbing I had a bunch of stuff to do oh well.
Laura POV

I was brought to the isle 5 years ago

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I was brought to the isle 5 years ago. I didn't do anything bad to deserve it.


"Mom why do I have to be a princess?" I asked for what must've been the hundredth time this month. I was only 5 years old. "You Don't in fact you're not gonna be." Mom explains. Dad told me about my mother's step sisters and said that since he had no use for a daughter he would send her to the Isle of the Lost. It's happened before but usually the kid had one parent there. I looked at him. "Dad?" I ask. He pointed to my room and made me go pack. I packed my dresses and a bunch of other stuff including a sewing machine just so I could make clothes when I grew out of these. I packed a bunch of material and stuff it into a suitcase. Soon my mom and I are in a limo going to my step grandma's house. My mom gets out and grabs my bags for me. She then enters the place and called out to the woman. "Step mom this is my daughter Laura I'm giving her to you. We have no use for a daughter in our household." Mom said. The lady that is apparently my granny came up to look at me. "Ella I'll take her but you need to get her her things and leave." Granny said. " this is all we have for her." Mom said pointing to the 3 bags I had. She told me her rules.
1) under no circumstances am I to go out without her checking how I look.
2) I am to help in her shop
3) I will do anything she asks of me
4) be evil
Flashback over
I've been evil ever since.
Morgana POV

The next day I wake up and run to see Melissa before I go to school

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The next day I wake up and run to see Melissa before I go to school. Mel isn't allowed at school because of the chores she has to do. I really want her to get off the isle so she can have a better life she's like a sister to me. "Morg!!!!" Melissa called as I got to the hideout. "Melly!!!" I yelled. "Shhhh. They can't know people live here or I'll have to pay rent." Melissa said. Melissa ran out the bed attempting to leave but ended up throwing up instead. "Mel are you okay?" I asked. She fainted. It's then when I noticed all the bruises and scars on her body. I looked out the window and see Harry. I run down and tell Harry to come up here. He came and picked Melissa up. We let her rest in my room. Finally she was awake a few minutes later. She told us everything that happened and I sighed as I grabbed her some food. I got her stale cookies as I was afraid spoiled turkey would make her more sick. I hate living here.
I sighed as I walked into Ben's office. "Ben I need to talk to you alone." I said. "Okay how about now?" Ben asked dismissing his servants. "Seeing my sister stuck on the isle like that makes me feel like we should move forward with getting the kids off the isle." I explain. "Like your sister?" Ben asked. "Well her for a start but she won't go without her friends." I explain. "But Uma she's still out there." Ben said. "Ben we have to let them out if not who knows what will happen." I say. "Okay I'll look at the list tomorrow and you and I can pick 10 more kids. "But I'm not sure about your sister." Ben said. I stare at him but then just nod. "Okay who are thinking of?" I asked. "Instead of ten lets do another set of 6 kids." Ben said. I agreed and we picked out six kids.
1) Laura Charming (I've always wondered why she was there)
2) Celia Facilier
3) Dizzy Tremaine
4) Squeaky Smee
5) Squirmy Smee
6) Quinn Heart
Ben said we'd have to wait till next year.
Melissa POV

I sighed staring at the other side of the barrier

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I sighed staring at the other side of the barrier. I was stuck in the scratchy itchy leather skirt with an equally itchy and uncomfortable leather shirt. Along with an uncomfortable stiff itchy jean jacket made of my old jeans from last year. But I'm not complaining I mean I have some of the best clothing on the isle at least it's not tattered..... well except for my socks but who cares. I was studying how to be evil. I had a bunch of free time since I got fired. I went on to maths 1x13=13 2x13=26 3x13=39..... and so on. Celia walked up behind me. "You ready?" She asked. I nodded and followed her still clutching my books. We entered Hades' lair. I walk in slowly and creep behind him. "Hi daddy." I say softly. "Melissa... how have you been?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Funny you certainly didn't care when I was getting beat up." I said bitterly. "Melissa don't be bitter you have no idea how hard it is to neglect." He said. "I know I know you made me stronger I get it." I said. "So why'd you come here?" He asked. "I wanna move in with you." I said. "Well then let's go get your stuff." Dad said. I ran and hugged him. "You have so much to learn." He said walking with me to the hideout and packing up the stuff. That night I slept in dad's house something I never thought I'd do. It was the best night ever.
Katherine POV

--------Katherine POV

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I walk up to my dad. The Cheshire Cat. "Daddy can I sleep over at Quinn's?" I ask. "Don't care." Dad answers. I run out the house and through the narrow streets to get to the house of Quinn Hearts. As I open the door I see the queen of hearts there. "Katherine Cheshire... how long are you staying?" She asked. "Just a few days" I answered. Skipping up the stairs I make it to Quinn's room.

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