Chapter 10 The hope of many!

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It had been 2 months since Izuku had joined the strike force, in time he managed to control the colour of his skin making it the original colour instead of blue, his eyes and hair returned to their original colours as well though he still had a tail. When he first was able to control it, it freaked Mina out since he didn't tell her, he just changed his appearance in front of her. Also over the past 2 months Izuku was showing to be quite good in combat and he was accepted in and was paired with Mina for missions.

He and Mina were on their way to a mission, capture a mutant who seemed to be knowledgeable despite his personality. But from the dossier that was given to Izuku and Mina was a bit of information that made them accept almost straight away, the mutant they were sent to capture was said to have ties with Hanae. The black armoured SUV they were traveling in came to a stop, the driver giving Izuku and Mina a nod. Mina touched her choker activating her blonde haired disguise while Izuku simply turned his skin and hair blue and his eyes yellow. They both wore the usual black camo bodysuits with a added half face mask leaving only the top half of their faces visible.

Once they exited the SUV it drove off, Mina checked her belt, make sure to double check that they had what they needed. She gave Izuku a nod "It's all here, let's go tag him" she said as they began making their way towards a now abandoned factory surrounded by a swat team. The swat team leader acknowledged them "It's docile if we remain outside but once we go in it snaps and starts going ballistic, it's power is like a slime based one, latcheds onto walls or throws it, so yeah we'll stay out here, it's all yours" he said gesturing towards the entrance of the building, though if there was one thing Izuku and Mina hated, it's that some people would refer to mutants as "It" but they held their tongues and kept their emotions in check.

Once Izuku and Mina entered to building the first thing they noticed was the smell, it smelt like a pile of corpses had been left rotting. The building they were in was 15 feet high and contained machinery, all sorts of robotic arms, furnaces and shelves were dotting the dimly lit area. A squeaky male voice echoed "You two are different, no M4A1 riles or swat armour... come to play though yes?" They didn't respond, Izuku emitted a blue flame from his right palm lighting up the the building a bit. The voice giggled a little "Ohhhh a bit unique are we? Though the blue skin shou-WAIT! Where's the other one?" He called out realising Mina had disappeared.

Izuku heard something clatter on the ground somewhere to his left, the voice then spoke again "Telekinesis huh? I think I've heard of you, you may have to die first although that one with the sparky fingers is too quiet for my liking!" He said as he dropped from the ceiling and walked into Izuku's vision, he threw some slime that latched onto Izuku's arm but Izuku just burnt it off the rotting smell returned Izuku could feel his eyes beginning to water. The mutant stood 5 foot 6, he had short brown hair and grey eyes. He wore a plain white shirt and jeans, though his skin looked watery and could drop from his body any second. Izuku then opened a portal next to the mutant "That's the exit, take it!" Izuku said with a deadpan expression.

The mutant tilted his head, the portal then closed "You said that was my exit!" The mutant said a little annoyed. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention you had 3 seconds before it closes" Izuku said not really caring since he had the portal exit nearby. Izuku dimmed the flame in his hand and the mutant went to charge at him but he froze, terrified, as behind Izuku he saw a 10 foot beast of a shadow. Piercing red eyes, rows of sharp teeth and claws on it's monstrous hands "Now look what you did, you've gone and upset my friend... though tell something? Who was meant to be the first to die?" Izuku said calmly making the mutant even more afraid.

The mutant turned and went to run when he saw the floating head of the disguised Mina "It's either me or him" she said, the mutant just went down onto his knees "It doesn't matter I guess.. j-just keep that thing away from me" he said his voice shaking. Mina pulled out a collar and handcuffs from her belt, she cuffed him and placed the collar around his neck, a tiny needle then jabbed into his neck, disabling his power for a few minutes. Mina nodded at Izuku "I'll call it in" he said activating a small screen on his left wrist. Mina lifted up the mutant "C-can we go around another way?" He asked, Mina chuckled in response "Who's a good shadow? Wanna treat?" She said looking at the beastly shadow, it growled in response "Oh up yours, y'know what, I know where you live and just for you I'll get real lovey dovey when me and bluey are alone" she said trying not to laugh.

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