The Boy Who Could Fly

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Wow it's an update I haven't updated this in so long and I plan on updating faster now because I'll make the chapters a bit shorter but it's better than not updating in like two months 😂



"Don't rain on my parade, it's gonna glow in the dark.

I like it better when you can't keep warm.

Don't ruin a perfect thing, a perfect thing.

The boy on the blue moon hears a nightmare in his head."

~ The Boy Who Could Fly by Pierce the Veil


"You found him, didn't you?" Calum studied Luke's lovesick expression with amusement as they sat on the couch in their shitty apartment they shared.

"Yes, and it's great and all but he doesn't even know me, Cal, and I know so much about him and I'm just a stranger." Luke sulked, the adorable images of Ashton burning in Luke's brain.

"Whoa whoa whoa, but you told me you talked to him yesterday, right? You aren't really strangers, more like-" Calum made weird hand movements in thought, "erm, acquaintances."

Luke sighed, putting his face in his hands, "I just protect him. That's why I'm here, and so far I'm not getting anywhere with him. What if - what if I have to get sent back?" Calum's eyes widened,

"Luke, you know that can't happen. We're already here, it's too late. He can't - he won't. We have a reason to be here." Calum patted his friend's back, ignoring all of the doubts in his mind.

"Y'know, you never told me what happened to the person you were supposed to protect." Luke mused, making Calum tense up.

"He - well, he uh-" The brown-eyed boy felt his throat close up and tears prickle at the corners of his eyes at the thought of the boy, the boy he had come to love. "I was too late, I mean, he already made his decision. Like, to die."

Luke looked a bit surprised as he lifted his head up to look at his friend, eyes filled with pity. "I'm...sorry. You should've told me earlier." Calum shrugged sadly, thoughtfully biting his lip during their moment of (awkward) silence.

Calum's expression changed from sadness to determination as he suddenly pushed Luke off the couch, startling the boy.

"What the hell-" he began to say, but Calum leaned forward and gripped Luke's shoulders, shaking him lightly.

"And that's why you have to be there for Ashton, you have to protect him, Luke! Don't stand by and watch while he's suffering, you have to help him before it's too late. Please, I'm coming from experience here."

Luke stood up from the floor, brushing himself off. "I promise I will, I-" Luke's cheeks tinged pink as he mumbled, "I love him." Calum got up from the couch, smiling widely as he began pushing Luke towards the door.

"That's the spirit! Now go save your man, Luke." He let out noises in protest as Calum shoved him out the door, waving and winking before slamming the door in Luke's face.

"Fucking hell." Luke swore under his breath, slowly moving away from the apartment door.

All he had to do was find Ashton and get closer to the boy.

"Before it's too late." Calum's voice ominously rang through his ears as he walked out of the apartment building. What if he failed Ashton? Luke couldn't afford to think like that. He had to make sure the boy was okay.

He was Ashton's guardian angel, after all.


Ooo shittt


Idk this kinda sucked but yeah I tried ok bye ;-; ~Hannah

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