'Till Death Do Us Part

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I hope u guys don't hate me too much after this.. Oops

(I feel so clever over the title hehe)


"I'll be with Michael, like I've always wanted to be... It's a win-win."

Luke only agreed when he thought of himself in Calum's situation. He'd do anything to be with Ashton, even if it meant going with the slightly unreliable choice of death.

Yet, he couldn't even look at his friend. It hurt too much, and it wasn't helping that Ashton felt the need to use all of his breath on apologizing for everything.

The thought of having to pick up his and Ashton's broken pieces after it all made his stomach clench. He couldn't--Luke loved to believe he would always stay strong, no matter what, but this time he wasn't so sure he could.


11:00 pm.

The three of them had gone out of the house to try to get their minds off of things, and it seemed to work. But, when they got home, the mood was dampened once again.

Ashton was fast asleep on the couch, his legs laying across Luke's lap. His expression, usually a peaceful one, now looked distressed; his eyebrows furrowed a bit, and his lips in a slight frown. Luke hoped Ashton wasn't having a bad dream, but it was likely he was. He just wondered how the boy could even sleep at a time like this; but, with one look at the dark circles under Ashton's eyes, the angel could answer his own question.

Calum was doing surprisingly well, being that he was supposedly about to die in an hour. Or, maybe he's just good at hiding his emotions. Either way, he and Luke hadn't really spoken to each other since Calum revealed his plan, causing a lot of tension.

The blonde boy spared a glance to his friend, seeing him nonchalantly sitting at the farther end of the couch with Ashton's devil cat on his lap. God, he really wished he could hate Calum, but he just--didn't. He couldn't; he understood Calum's motives, and ultimately wanted him to be happy. Luke knew he was being selfish, but there was no way to avoid being hurt by losing someone he cares for and has known for a considerable amount of time.

It didn't matter what happened; for this all to go away, someone had to die.


11:40 pm.

Luke quickly shook Ashton awake once he saw the time, feeling anxiety bubble up inside him.

"Mm?" The tired boy hummed sleepily, fluttering his eyes open to reveal their pretty hazel color that Luke had fallen in love with. Temporary fondness washed over him,

"Sorry to wake you up, Ash. It's already 11:40." Luke spoke as gently as possible, but his words caused Ashton to jolt up.

"What?! Where's Calum?"

"He's right there, Ash." Luke gestured to Calum, who sent them a dorky wave. Ashton let out a sigh in relief.

They talked over the plan again, neither of them exactly ecstatic over the enviable results of it.

Although they weren't in the same location as it happened in Ashton's dream, they weren't stupid enough to believe that it would keep things from happening.

"Luke?" Ashton timidly spoke up, voice trembling. Luke looked down at the boy, suddenly noticing how afraid he was. "Whatever happens, just know that I'm sorry." The angel frowned at the smaller boy, but had no chance to reply when the room suddenly got colder, like the kind of cold that makes shivers shoot up your spine.

Luke and Calum instinctively shot up, eyes narrowed. Ashton held his breath, curling into the couch.

12:00 am.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A voice sharply broke the air with a hiss, seeming to come from all directions. Luke and Calum looked around, bewildered. "Two angels and a mortal? How shocking."

"Show yourself, you jackass!" Luke yelled in rage, clenching his fists. The room seemed to be darkening, making Ashton's heart do a rely race.

They heard Death hum thoughfully, "Well, you can't usually see me take the lives of others, but you know it happens. It's a metaphor, I think. Like it?"

"Look, we're not here to play games, you got it?" Luke growled, making Death sigh.

"Of course not. You angels don't know how to have fun; it's quite unfortunate, really." And with that, everything in the room began to shake as Death took on a solid form.

It ended up differently than Ashton's dream; Death solidified into a normal looking human being as the room grew back to normal lighting in their living room, making Ashton gasp in shock. It explained his vaguely normal voice from before.

"B-but, you're--"

"A human?" Death finished, a skin crawling grin forming on his face as his dark eyes fixated on Ashton's face. Luke and Calum were temporarily speechless, but didn't let themselves to forget about the plan.

"Why aren't you in the same form as you were in Ashton's dream?" Calum carefully asked, eyeing Death's surprisingly handsome features. He looked young with black hair slicked back, a neat looking suit framing his slim body. The only unsettling thing about him were his lifeless eyes, which had all of them on edge.

Death only chuckled, taking a step forward. "Oh, I thought it would've been boring to appear in my most famous form! Being a human mixes things up a little, right?" Luke glared,

"I don't care what form you're in, dammit!" He was already annoyed by Death's sarcastically remarks, feeling his blood begin to boil.

Death quirked an eyebrow. "I just wanted to make this interesting, but you give me no choice," he turned to Ashton, making the boy gasp for air, as if he got hit in the stomach. "You wanted to get down to business, yes? Then here it is."

He began to walk toward Ashton, only to have Luke and Calum immediately block his way.

"Wait! I--I will sacrifice myself so Ashton doesn't have to die." Calum spoke up, making Luke's heart clench. The dark-haired boy only looked determined, though, which brought Luke away from sadness and back to the task at hand.

Death's mouth twitched into an amused smile, "A sacrifice? I do love a good sacrifice!" He chuckled, eyeing Calum, how bravely looked right back at him. "Ah, it's a shame. Sacrifices aren't an option, I'm afraid."

"What?!" Calum and Luke yelled in unison, making Death even more amused. "Sorry." He laughed in spite of himself. "Well, not really."

"You're not taking him!" Luke stood protectively in front of Ashton, who was in too much shock to say anything.

Death only smirked. "Watch me." And with a flick of his wrists, both angels were flown across the room and held down by a mysterious force, making it impossible to move.

"Don't you fucking dare-!" Were things along the lines of what Luke and Calum hopelessly screamed as Death smiled down at Ashton.

"You should've died a long, long time ago, Ashy." Ashton nervously gulped, scrambling against the couch to get farther away.

"I--I-" he stammered as Death put a hand on his cheek.

"Come with me to a place you truly belong." He hissed between his teeth, lips still curled in a creepy smile. Ashton felt himself grow weak; he knew it was over.

His eyes quickly darted to Luke, who's eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm sorry." Ashton mouthed, before the two angels witnessed someone they care about disappear into thin air with Death himself.





Caraphernelia (lashton au)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin