Day 1

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I SUCK AT UPDATING I HATE MYSELF sorry ugh I really wish I was good at updating like I actually was a while ago but nOOO

Ok I'll just stop now


Ashton was antsy and nervous the next day after his dream/nightmare. He swore he could hear a voice whispering something in his ear; something like, 'one day left.' It made him on edge, and he just wanted to see Luke. The blonde boy always knew how to make Ashton calm down, even if he didn't know it.

Not to mention, Michael was also acting weird before Ashton left for work. He found a hiding place under the couch and refused to come out from under it, even to stand at the door and watch Ashton leave with his almost hypnotizing cat eyes.

But, Ashton tried to ignore the strange things happening, and hoped to carry out the day as normal as possible.


"Hey, Ashton." Calum greeted once he walked into the video store, sending a friendly smile. He hesitantly smiled back, still not used to the dark-haired boy's kindness. He used to be standoffish, if Ashton was being honest, and unapproachable.

Calum somehow started talking about how Luke would never shut up about him at home, making Ashton blush a deep red.

"This is gonna sound weird, but Luke was in my dream last night." Ashton added, suddenly feeling like he could tell Calum anything. Calum leaned forward, eyes wide with interest.

"Really? What--what happened in it?"

"Um, it was pretty scary, actually," Ashton began to say, anxiously playing with his fingers and avoiding Calum's gaze. "Basically, Luke was in my room and woke me up, saying something about midnight and when it was midnight Luke was thrown against the wall and this weird figure formed in the corner and apparently it was Death and I actually wanted to die in my dream and Luke freaked out and right when Death was gonna lift up his hood the dream ended and yeah." He rambled quickly, letting out a breath at the end.

Calum sat back in his chair, letting everything sink in. "Oh." he finally said softly, still not meeting Ashton's eyes. He sat for a moment, until his eyes widened, "Shit, shit, shit," Calum ran a hand through his hair and tugged at the strands, his expression morphing into panic. Ashton tilted his head in confusion, feeling his own heart beat faster. What was wrong? "We gotta--you have to go! You need to tell Luke about this! I'll stay here, okay?" Calum's eyes locked on Ashton's, which were so wide and panicky that Ashton felt anxious as well. What was going on? Why did Calum react so weirdly?

Ashton shook his head rapidly, "What? Why do I have to tell him about some stupid dream? I'm working, won't I get in trouble for leaving? Fired?" Calum stood up and gripped Ashton's arm, dragging him towards the door.

"Don't worry about it, I'll cover for you. Just listen to me, okay? There's no time to ask questions!" Calum opened the door and tried to shove Ashton out, but he held on to Calum. "Wait! I don't even know where you live!" he exclaimed, making the dark-haired boy stop and grin sheepishly.

"Oh yeah, sorry." He gave Ashton his address, and then pushed him out the door.

Ashton stumbled a bit, turning around and glaring at Calum, who just smiled innocently and waved him away.

He sighed heavily, making his way to Luke and Calum's place for some pointless reason.


Ashton knocked lightly on the door, still feeling like there was no purpose in visiting Luke and telling him about a dream he had the night before.

After a few moments, Ashton was greeted with a shirtless Luke, disheveled (yet hot) blonde hair, black feathery wings, and a bag of chips. He grinned once he saw it was Ashton at the door, chewing loudly on the potato chips he was stuffing in his mouth.

"Ashton! Come in, come in," Luke ushered him inside, not even bothered by the fact that he had no shirt on. Ashton felt his heart do flips; he's never seen Luke in this way before, being such a regular, messy teenage guy and not a guardian angel with all the right things to say.

Ashton stood awkwardly at the door as Luke set the potato chip bag down in the kitchen. He seemed so happy and carefree, Ashton was almost afraid to tell him about his dream, even though it was just that; a dream. Maybe Calum was pulling some sort of prank on him or something by making him do this.

"Don't be shy, Ash! Make yourself at home," Luke smirked widely when he came back, pinching Ashton's cheek teasingly (yet affectionately, too). Ashton swatted at Luke's hand with a small giggle, and finally took his shoes off and followed the angel into the living room.

Having normal small talk with Luke almost made him forget why he was even there, but he was brought back to reality when Luke finally said,

"So, what brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be working? Not that I'm complaining, though," The last comment made Ashton's cheeks turn pink, by he tried not to get to flustered.

"Well, this is gonna sound stupid, but--uh, I told Calum about a dream I had last night and he really wanted me to tell you about it." Luke raised an eyebrow, shifting closer to Ashton subconsciously.

"Oh, really? What was it about?" Ashton let out a breath before he began to explain, bracing for Luke to tell him that Calum was stupid for making him tell him about some stupid nightmare.

"Well, basically you were in my room. You woke me up, saying something about midnight and pacing around anxiously and I had no idea what was going on," Luke's eyes began to widen, his lip quivering slightly. Ashton continued, "and you said something about how Death was gonna get me because you saved me and cheated Death, but I actually...wanted to die, so I got mad at you. When it was midnight, you were thrown against the wall and couldn't move for some reason-" Ashton paused for a moment, seeing the horrified look on Luke's face. He furrowed his eyebrows sympathetically, "You okay?" Luke just nodded reassuringly, smiling weakly at Ashton.

"Continue," he said softly, not even thinking when he took Ashton's hand in his own. The boy blushed and continued talking about his dream.

"So, you were freaking out and Death had showed up in my room, and you couldn't do anything and I let him kill me, basically. Well, the dream ended before I died, but I just kinda assumed." Instead of telling Ashton how fucked up his dream was, Luke only nodded, biting his lip and looking down at their intertwined hands.

But, when he did look up, his expression was unreadable. "How would you feel if I told you that you just dreamed of your possible future?"

"I wouldn't believe you." Ashton mumbled back, frowning in confusion at Luke. The angel squeezed his hand gently, eyes sad.

"I wish I didn't believe myself, either."



I'm still not over the fact that lashton went surfing together haha fuck they're so hot bye

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