Day Twenty One

27 1 2

Dear Reader,

        You know what I hate? The world's huge argument over homosexuals. Like seriously people? The main problem is Christians are forgetting some key factors when they judge others. For example, the Bible says that Jesus loves everyone no matter what, no matter how they sin or how messed their lives are. And admit it, all of our lives are pretty screwed up in one way or another. The main reason I hate this argument over gays is because of two things. One, I'm a hippie so WORLD PEACE! Two, a lot of my friends are gay and some people bully them for it. Just because someone is different than you doesn't give you the right to judge them for it. No one person is superior to anyone else. We are all created equal. 

        In other news, I just finished my fall play. Being a freshman, and sucking at my audition monologue landed me a small part, but the cast I got to work with was fantastic. And for some reason, the boys had a fascination with Shrek. Every night they would go to the end of the hall, place a Shrek figurine on the floor, chant Shrek, and jump in a circle around the figurine until they were screaming. I don't understand it. I should probably mention that all theatre people are a little messed up in the head. For example, this senior I got to work with. During the last night of the show, he started mouthing cuss words, instead of things like watermelon, or battery acid. I was trying not to laugh, and almost missed my cue. Almost. 

        But seriously, I love my theatre friends. And because of this play, I know all of them better. And I realize the struggles each of them are going through. But at first glance, you would've never known the problems these people face on a daily basis. They're all so makes me feel like I have a home among them. I wrote this while thinking about them:

                  I sat there and watched them walk through the door

    The sluts, the addicts, the drunks, the abused, the wallflowers, the liars,

                the thieves, the convicts, the weak, and the poor.

                    They all looked the same.

                I smiled and thought to myself

                                "I'm home."

        A pretty mask can hide a lot of things. So can a person. For we all are born with masks, raised to wear it correctly, and taught to keep it always. Don't ever remove it, because the instant you do, you are rejected by our fake society. Society hates anything real. So go ahead, pile on the make up. Hide the scars. No one wants your honesty. 

        Except me. I will always treasure honesty for it is such a rare thing. 

        Sincerely Yours,


"Choosing to be in theatre was a way to put my roots down somewhere with other people. It was a way to choose a new family." - Juliette Binoche

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