Day Twenty Nine

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Dear Reader,

Disney World. The most magical place on Earth. What Disney neglects to tell you is that it is also the most tiring place on Earth. Running from one ride to the other, dodging small children and people in furry costumes with over-sized heads, paying twenty dollars for an ice cream cone, an hour standing in line for a five minute ride. But don't get me wrong, Disney can still be fun too. Plenty of rides, characters, and all the childish joy any person could want. One just has to find the balance between stress and joy in order to truly enjoy a magical theme park. That's why little kids love Disney; they're too young to fully realized all the stressing, budgeting, and sunscreen that goes into their vacation. If you couldn't tell, I went to Disney World with the marching band and my family. It was fun, stressful, and I don't remember half of it. Seriously, there are some nights that I don't remember. That's how exhausted I was. But I don't care. What I do remember is performing down Main Street U.S.A. at Magic Kingdom. Sure, half the crowd had no idea who we were and just wanted to see the princesses. But our band parents screamed and cheered. And that made my day. Made my summer actually. So it defiantly a cool experience. As a performer, I have to take baby steps to make it. There's this singing competition coming up with the prize of performing twice at Six Flags, and opening for Lincoln Brewster. The only problem is, it's run by my dad's rival music store. He despises them. But this could be a huge opportunity for me. I want to take it, but then there's the fact that I'm untrained. I'm fifteen. I'm just a little girl with no professional experience. Would they even like me? I don't know. I really want to gain experience but sometimes I feel like my dad is holding me back. Ever since he started to sing, I get fewer and fewer opportunities to sing in public. He and a friend of his got into a street music festival but my dad is treating me like I'm some little kid wanting to sing for attention. That's not what this is. I need to perform. It's my life. I need experience so I can continue performing but it seems like no one will give me a chance. Am I terrible? I feel like someone would've told me that by now. Am I so unattractive no one wants me on a stage? That's possible but there's stage make up. I just want one fair chance. One fair chance to make it. But I'll just have to keep looking.

"The thrill of performing - that's something that hasn't changed for me. That simultaneous joy of creating something and sharing it with audience." - Steve Buscemi

Reality Ruined My FantastiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora