Day Thirty

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Dear Reader,
Hi. I've been so busy this past couple of weeks, I've barely had time to breathe let alone write to you. So much has happened, I don't know where to start. Maybe I should tell you about some recent changes around the Trokey family. We've gone through a lot. It all started when my aunt quit her job to go work at an assembly line. Previously, she was in daycare but my aunt didn't have a set schedule or get paid much for all of her hard work. So she left to go work at a toy train factory. I think this is the event that sent the dominoes tumbling down. My mother finally got the courage to start pursuing her dream of becoming a full time real estate agent. So she too quit her day job and became a realtor. For those of you who don't know how real estate works, realtors only get paid when they sell a house. There's no fixed salary or job insurance or anything like that. My mother is now essentially on her own. It's kind of scary to think about as a teenager.

Another thing that is kinda terrifying is college. My parents have been asking about what I want to do with my life. As a little girl, the answer was always "I want to be a performer", but now I'm not so sure. Actors and musicians struggle with money and often don't make enough money off of their gigs. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be a professional performer, but I just don't think I'm talented enough. I'm trying to come up with other jobs that I might be interested in. Each job I come up with is so drastically different from the next, and I'm not sure that any of them are practical. Its hard to think about the future. The future is uncertain and ever changing and weird. No one knows what will happen. No one can be absolutely prepared for the future and I think that's what scares us most.

Maybe I'm just unprepared and paranoia.

Or maybe not.



"Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now."-Mattie Stepanek.

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