Day Two

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Dear Reader,

        One thing you should know before we continue, is that I have very strange and vivid dreams. Not like creepy and not exactly nightmares, but my dreams are random. My subconscious decides to take different pieces from different aspects of my life and smash them together to create a weird story line. These dreams are normally reoccurring with a slight twist each time. It is just one of the things that makes me Queen of dreams.

        So last night's dream: My something group (I'm not sure what group of people) won a free trip to Italy. While we were there some Italian hotel lady mistook me for a rich woman who lived in a penthouse. I guess everyone has a dobble ganger, mine's just hiding in Italy. But anyways, my friend convinced me to pretend to be the rich lady and we strolled into the penthouse. It was really small for a penthouse. The penthouse had a small kitchen, which was infested with giant metal cockroaches. Creepy. Eventually, the cockroaches ran down the drain which was still creepy. The penthouse itself had two twin beds and a massive window that over looked the city. It was beautiful. My friend, though I could never identify which friend she was, decided that we were throwing a party with a bunch of crazy party Italians. In the middle of our party, a boy flew up to our massive window and grabbed a screaming child from out of the air. I knew this boy because we went to school together. For reasons unknown, my dream self fell head over heels for him when in reality I don't feel anything. My friend, let's call her Stacey, since I can't figure out who she is. Stacey whispered to me, "Why would he do that? He's exposed." Obviously she's referring to the super powers. The boy, he shall be called Bruce, looked right at me and smiled before disappearing with the child. FLASH FORWARD.

        In the morning, I realized that I was supposed to have been with my group while I was at the party. Uh oh. Stacey came in and announced that I had a date with Bruce. Within ten minutes Stacey had done my hair in a horrible "European" style. I won't go into detail, but there was a lot of hairspray. I ran down to the lobby and sat on a bench waiting for my date to arrive. Then trouble. One of my group leaders (at least that's what dream me called him), entered the lobby. I knew that he would drag me back to the group and I really didn't want to go back. So I made my awkward hair less conspicuous and tied a bandana over my eyes. If you haven't noticed my dream self is incredibly stupid. When the bandana fell, the sponsor was right in front of me. He sat on the bench parallel to me as if we were going to have a nice friendly chat. I bolted. Bruce was just entering the lobby when I yelled "Bruce!" Bruce understood and grabbed my hand. We ran, the leader guy on our tail. That's when I found out I could fly. Have you ever tried to run in a dream, but your legs don't move fast enough? Well my dream self said screw it and flew while Bruce dragged us along. You think it would've been better if we both flew away, but again dream me is incredibly stupid. BLACKOUT

        I was in Walmart of all places. I could hear the group leader and another leader person  talking about finding me. The kids in the group were scattered through out Walmart. When one of them saw me, I put a finger to my lips and they stayed quiet. I was sneaking around when Logan Lerman turned the corner leaning on a shopping cart. According to my subconscious, Logan Lerman shops at Italian Walmarts. I was so shocked by Logan Lerman, that I didn't notice the group leader come up behind me and lift me into the air by the collar of my shirt. When I say lift into the air, I mean several feet. The leader took my back pack, which was magically full of shoplifted items. I considered screaming for Bruce, but for once dream me did something smart and didn't yell. A Walmart employee came up and made sure everything I had stolen was in the back pack. Only then was I set down. Bruce walked right in front of me, and I handed him dog tags. No body noticed. Once he was gone, I made a break for it. Within two seconds I was caught again.  THE END

        Now you're probably like, what the heck was that? Rae, why would you write this? Well, Reader, here's why. No matter how crazy your dream, it still holds some truth. For example, I want superpowers so bad it's not even funny. Another example, I've always wanted to travel with my friends or go on a secret mission where I have to defy everyone. So in the end, my dream makes some sense. My friend Hannah and I used to talk about our weird dreams every morning when we got to school. It was something I looked forward to. Sweet dreams!

Sincerely Yours,


"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe

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