Chapter 35

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Clarke had been preparing mentally for her date with Jack on Saturday. She had no idea where he was going to take her or what they were going to do. She tried to get at least a little information out of him every day, but he just wouldn't budge. She didn't even know what to wear. She hated to say that because it made her sound like such a girl. She had been on dates with other guys, but she didn't care nearly as much about those as she did this one. Jack was something else. He made her feel different than any of the other guys she had dated. When she was with him, she didn't think about murder or victims. She only really thought about him, which was extremely refreshing considering that was all that went through her mind all day. He was like a safe place to land in very turbulent conditions.

When Saturday finally rolled around, she was just a jumble of nerves. She had set up a visit at the juvie Thomas was being held in for Sunday and she planned on asking Jack to go with her. She was hoping that he would say yes, but Clarke was less worried about his answer and more worried about his mothers'. She would be the final approval if Jack could go or not. She could worry about that later though. Right now, all she needed to focus on was what to wear for today. She settled on jeans and a cute t-shirt. That seemed like a safe option, right? Jack didn't have a lot of money so she knew he wouldn't be taking her to any fancy restaurants. Maybe the movies or just dinner? Jack was a simple guy, yet Clarke had no clue how to read him. She heard her mom shout that there was someone at the door for her and she ran down, excited that Jack was here. He was a little early, but she was pretty much ready. When she got to the door it wasn't Jack it was a girl with a manila envelope in her hand.

"Who's this from?"

"I was just paid to drop it off. Your name is Clarke Holden, right?"

"Yeah that's me, but there's not a return address on this."

"I was just supposed to deliver it." The girl was tall with short brown hair and looked normal enough. The girl left before Clarke could ask another question and pulled out of the driveway. The folder was heavier than it looked, and Clarke decided she should open it in her room alone.

When she closed her door, she undid the metal piece and opened it. She pulled out one photo that was of her and Jack in the park the other night. Then another one and another one of her and Jack together. Someone had been stalking them. There were photos of even her and Jack on the first day they met when she let him in her car. There were photos of them through the window in Jack's room. How had they not noticed someone out the window snapping pictures of them. Clarke's heart was racing. The last was a typed piece of paper with instructions.

Dear Clarke,

I have been watching you for some time and it seems that you and Jack have gotten close. That's going to end. Do whatever you have to do to break it off with him or he'll end up getting hurt just like the rest. Say whatever you have to say, or I will fulfill my promise and there may be one less Jack in the world.


Clarkes eyes were wide as she stared at the piece of paper. It was typed so there was no way she could find out who wrote it. Maybe if she tracked down the girl who delivered it, she could ask her, but she had nothing to go on. Jack would be over in a couple of minutes. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say to him. She walked to her sister's room in a frenzy. Someone was watching her. Her breathing was heavy, and tears were coming to her eyes. She was afraid. Whoever this was could kill Jack and easily kill her. She had never truly realized the danger they were both in by looking into this. She knocked on Caroline's door heavily and as she opened the door. She saws Clarke's face and immediately felt concerned.

"What's wrong? Clarke, Clarke can you hear me?"

Clarke was tuning out the world as she shakily walked to her bedroom and slid down the wall. She couldn't breathe and her head felt so heavy. Was she having a panic attack? The room felt like it was spinning, and she struggled to breath. It was like her throat was slowly closing up. Caroline was trying to get her attention, but Clarke couldn't focus on anything. This was really happening. She was in danger. Caroline gripped her face telling her to calm down and to tell her what was wrong and then she saw the pictures on the bed. Caroline walked over to look at them.

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