Chapter 15

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The next morning Clarke picked Jack up for school. She was still really sore from when she got beat the shit out of. Her bruises were finally purpling, but her head looked good. The awkwardness of the cuddling was something neither of them wanted to address. The worst thing about it wasn't the fact that it happened, but the fact that they both didn't want to admit how much they had liked it. They had too much going on to focus on that now. They listened to music and made small talk but avoided everything to do with yesterday.

She had been thinking about the death of Francis since last night. She wondered who wanted to make it look like her so badly. She hadn't really pissed anyone off enough to make them want to frame her for two murders. Maybe if she investigated it herself and tried to figure out who would want both Brandon and Francis dead, she could figure it out. Even if she did ask around though, nobody would talk to her. They all thought she was a killer.

Class went by quickly for that day and when it was time for lunch, she saw Jack sitting in the corner with his friends. She didn't know whether to go sit with him, she had no clue what they were. Friends? Acquaintances? Project partners? He gave her a wide smile and waved her over to him and she knew it was okay. Jack had only seen her in their one class today, but they didn't get to talk because the teacher just lectured the entire time. When she sat down, the girl next to him practically glared at her. The boy, however, gave her a charming smile that was just a little crooked. He was cute with blonde hair and blue eyes, a classic heartbreaker.

"Hey, I haven't seen you since this morning."

"Yeah me neither, I forgot how much of a bitch it was to get to class on time."

Clarke didn't say anything for a while, just kind of watched Jack as he exchanged banter with his friends. She learned the girl was named Sammy and the boy was James. She remembered him being on the football team. Sammy just kind of ignored her but James made small talk. He mostly just made inappropriate jokes that Jack yelled at him to shut up about. Jack and James seemed to be really close.

Sammy just kind of ignored James jokes, but she would smile at their stupidity. Clarke noticed Sammy touching Jack here and there. When he told a joke, she laughed a little harder than necessary. Sammy had a thing for him, and Jack definitely didn't notice. It kind of annoyed Clarke that Sammy was all over him. It was like Jack didn't even care, like he was used to it. What bothered her more though was the fact that she cared at all. It shouldn't bother her. It wasn't like they were anything other friends. The sudden possessiveness kind of freaked her out. When lunch was over Clarke managed to catch Jack before he headed to his next class.

"Hey, can you do something for me?"

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"Can you ask the football team about who was the last to talk to Francis?"

"I don't really talk to the football team."

"I know it's just I'm trying to figure out who was the last person to see him. If I can figure that out maybe I can find out who did it. It's okay if you don't want to."

"I'll ask around, I know some of them through James before he quit the team."

"Why did he quit?"

"I don't know, he never told me. I always thought it was best not to ask, it was always touchy, and it was right after, uh never mind."

"After what?"

"Nothing, I'll tell you what I find out." Clarke wondered what he wasn't telling her, but he obviously didn't want to talk about it. She had no right to grill him about it.

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