Failure I will be

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You tell me that you want the best for me
You tell me that I have to stand up for myself

You tell me I'm a failure
I should be more confident and assertive

But I'm still a failure to you
And because you tell me that each day I should learn from it

And become more confident
Be someone you will approve of

Why do I have to approve myself to your standards that you will love me
My whole life I had to hear you say how I'm a misfit

Well guess what I'm not changing
I rather be a misfit then be approved by you

You think you will ever love me and care for me
You haven't all these years what makes you think you ever will

Misfit and failure I will stay in your eyes
Something you can't change and gets you angry

Because I'm not good in your eyes
You hurt me day by day and still expect me to change myself

So you can be satisfied by the person I become
I don't want to be perfect, I want to be me

I want to be loved not by changing myself just to get loved by you
I'll never change for a person who hurts me and brings me down each day

And why try to change if I have already done it but it's still not good enough

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