Spider Man Always Got Up - Angst ( Important A/N at end )

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After Peter gets a pretty bad hit in a fight, Tony panics.

TW: mentions of head injury, swearing, violence, and panic attacks.

(This oneshot is going to be very wordy and very heavy. Please read at your own caution if the trigger warnings above scare you. )

Third Person Pov: (Whole One - Shot)

The kid always got up.

Tony had seen it a million times before. After every blow Peter experienced, he always managed to get back on his feet and act like it was nothing. Sometimes it wasn't, sometimes it was. It astounded Tony, how strong he was. And not strong as in his enhanced strength, but at how strong of a heart he had.

So when Peter didn't get up after he crashed against the brick wall, Tony panicked.

The fight was heavy. They hadn't even gone through a quarter of the bots before injuries were being reported against the coms. The phrase "fall back" was tossed around, and there was a frightened silence as Natasha mentioned a stab wound. It was getting bad.

Tony had kept close tabs on his spider kid. It seemed like he was doing as well as the rest of the Avengers, pretty bad, but at least he wasn't in a collapsing building or something.

And then one of the bots grabbed him.

It was so fast Tony didn't even see it coming. Just flashes of the teenager flying through the air and then crashing hard against the brick building behind him. When he crumpled to the ground, a dent in the bricks behind him, there was silence.

"Spider boy, you good?" Rhodey called out. His voice held evident concern.

Peter didn't respond.

Peter wasn't moving.

"Spider-Man. Respond." Steve ordered, his voice full of impatience to cover the worry biting in his throat.

There was more silence.

Tony blasted off from his spot, forgetting the metal foe he was facing. He pulled up to Peters side, and before the robot that hurt the teen came any closer, Tony pulled out one of the suits largest guns and blasted the robot. It wouldn't bother them anymore.

Peter was lying on the ground, his hand, now limp, coving the spot more blood was trickling out like rivers. Tonys breath hitched in his throat, and he ran to his kid.

Tony's helmet came down, making sure Peter could at least see his face. "Peter? Hey Peter, you awake?" Tony asked carefully. The mask covering Peters face made it difficult to see if his eyes were open or not. All Tony got back was a small whimper. He tried to ignore the anxiety gnawing his insides as he took Peters hand in his, his fingers trembling slightly.

"Peter. Can you hear me?"

It took about four seconds before the teen nodded, stopping mid way before crying out in agony. Oh god, Tony thought, he's probably in so much pain. His hands shook more, but he tried to smile, squeezing Peters hand reassuringly in his.

"Peter, we're going to get you to med bay, so I'm going to-"

Tony stopped mid sentence to see Peter trying to claw his mask off, noticing now how fast his breathing was. Tony took his other hand and pried the teens away.

"No Pete, not here, you have to wait-"

Peter let out a sob, pulling his hand away from Tony's. "It hurts, Mr. Stark, it-" Peter let out another sob, and Tony himself was starting to find it difficult to breathe. Peter was now mumbling incoherent nonsense, tears falling down his pale cheeks as he lifted a shaky hand to weakly place his hand onto Tony's chest, his arc reactor working hard to keep the older mans pounding heart alive.

Tony took Peters hand in his in an instant, rubbing small circles onto his palm. "It's going to be ok buddy. You just have to believe in me. I'm going to pick you up now, ok?"

Peter didn't respond, in fact Tony didn't think Peter could even see that he was there. His eyes darted around frantically in a panic and his breathing was quicker than it really should.

Tony had to hurry.

He picked the fragile boy up in his eyes and yelled out for help as the boys eyes rolled to the back of his head.


Tony had never been a patient man, so sitting in the hospitals waiting room with the stupid green carpet waiting for the news if his fucking kid was still alive  was enough to have him scream until his lungs hurt.

Hey guys.

So it's been a while.

I'm sorry that this oneshot is unfinished and unedited. I don't really feel like finishing it, although this one was a good idea.

So it's been a few months, which is longer than I'm sure any of you had expected. I'm sorry for not publishing anything about my situation.

This app has healed me more times than I can count, but it can't always fight off the demons in my life. Things have happened, big things, and I've had to scrap up my life back together.

I'm better now. I've found better people, and I'm comfortable to say that I'm back with a warm heart and a smiling face. Of course, updates won't be daily, perhaps not even weekly, but I do promise that I am back.

And it feels good to be back. I missed you guys.

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