Happy Birthday - Fluff

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Today is Peter Parker's birthday, and since his Aunt May works a lot, he wasn't really expecting it to be a big deal, he never has.

So when Peter gets a surprise party, hosted by Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers, you can guess how excited he gets.

(Peter turns 16 in this)

Peters Pov: (Whole one-shot)

I never would have dreamed having the thought of science class to be considered boring, but here I am, wishing the clocks endless ticks would go faster.

Last class of the day and I can finally go to someplace other than the apartment. It gets lonely. Mr. Stark said that he has some new web fluid formula that he would like to test out with me, see if it would work and if I like it, and I'm about to explode from excitement.

"Peter.." Ned whispers next to me. Not again.

"What, Ned?" I whisper back, in a slightly annoyed tone. He's been bugging me about it all day.

"So you've like.. Never had a birthday party?"

Today's August 10, my not so happy birthday. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing the occasional "happy birthday" during the day and getting an extra pat on the back, but my birthday isn't really something that is celebrated at my home.

"No Ned, but maybe you can make it up by remaking that Lego Death Star you broke for me." I joke, nudging him playfully and then focusing back on our lesson.

I can't really remember having an actual birthday celebration, no cake, no ribbons, no balloons, no presents. Nothing. Uncle Ben was always too exhausted or busy to throw one, and Aunt May didn't really care. I clearly remember, however, that Uncle Ben always got me an ice cream cake, with chocolate on top, vanilla on the bottom. It's been ages since I've had one. I don't want to seem spoiled, but god do I miss those cakes. I don't think it's the sweetness of the cake that gives me sad nostalgia, but the thought of Uncle Ben going all the way to the store and using his money that he worked really hard for just for me really warms my heart. That's the real sweetness, I guess.

Aunt May doesn't really acknowledge my birthday. Nowadays, she barely acknowledges me.

It's not Mays fault, she works her ass off to support us, and I love her very much. I honestly don't know what'd I do without her, but over the past few months she's been distancing more and more.

Nowadays it's rare for me to even see her. Always waking up early for work and then coming home past midnight from doing god knows what. I never ask. That's her business. So naturally, overtime I saw my birthday as more of a bittersweet memory then an actual happy day. At least Mr. Stark can cheer me up.

The vibration of the bell shocks me out of my trance as I practically jump out of my chair to get out of class.


Running down the stairs of my school and then making it out through the main entrance doors, I hurry my way to the parking lot where Happy is waiting for me. He waves at me awkwardly through the car window.

I get into the expensive black car. "Hi Happy, how are you? I'm so excited about today." I say cheerfully, only getting the car border rolled up between us. Guess he doesn't want to talk, as usual.

The car to Mr. Starks tower was an extra long forty minute drive, and the endless rows of apartments, restaurants, and stores seem to blend together in a boring mix just outside of my car window.

Finally, we make it to the building, the windows gleaming the hot sunlight.

Happy drops me off and gives me a small smirk. That's odd, he never smiles. I decide to shrug it off as a form of mockery than anything else.

Heading into the building, the familiar scent of electricity and hard work eases me. Can someone make Mr. Starks building a candle please?

I go into the warm elevator, and am quickly recognized by F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Hello Peter, how was school today?" The A.I. says, and a small ding sounds off the elevator to the highest level, where Mr. Stark usually is.

"It was fine. I did well on my Spanish test, so that was cool."

"Glad to hear Peter. Have a wonderful day." F.R.I.D.A.Y. says as the doors open to a dark living room and kitchen. I walk out of the elevator l cautiously. Where's Mr. Stark? I really hope he didn't-

"SURPRISE!" Eight voices yell as the lights turn on and I see everyone pop out of random places, Tony from behind the couch, Steve from the fireplace, Bruce in one of the kitchen cabinets, Clint from a ceiling vent, Natasha under a lounge chair, Wanda from under a pile of blankets and pillows, and Thor, popping out of a pot, a plant resting on his hair full of dirt.

I cover my mouth out of astonishment as tears start to make my eyes glossy, they did this all for me?

"Oh my god Peter I'm so sorry are you upset-" Tony says frantically.

"No no I'm fine, I just.." I look around at everyone, spotting a cake and a couple of presents on the kitchen table. I'll mentally slap myself later for not seeing it.

"You guys are just so nice." I smile, dragging out my 'so'. Tony stark sighs in relief as everyone everyone practically screams-



I don't think I've had this much attention in my entire life. Everyone is sitting around the kitchen, laughing, eating cake, and just enjoying each other's company. I've unwrapped every gift, and Tony had to practically force me to stop saying my Thanks you's to everyone so I could get some cake into my system. I guess I've told tony about the ice cream cakes, 'cause right now my mouth is full of the chocolate, vanilla cake coldness.

To bad Vision couldn't make it, I know how much he loves cake. Although he technically doesn't need to eat. He still likes it though.

After a few hours, slowly everyone starts retreating to their rooms, giving me a last happy birthday as they go to bed. Eventually, it just leaves me and Tony.

As we sit in comfortable silence, eating the last bit of cake, a blurt out something I kinda wish I had kept in.

"Yah' know, I've never actually had a birthday party. Beside cakes Uncle Ben used to buy me, I've never really had my birthday recognized from people who're close to me." Stupid stupid. This isn't a guilt trip thing, this was supposed to be just right.

Tony looks up at me with an unreadable expression on his face. "Really?" He sounds shocked.

"Ye-Yeah.." I stutter out.

"Aunt May didn't say happy birthday to you this morning?"

"Aunt May doesn't talk to me."

He gives a slow nod of understanding, and puts down his fork, "Peter, I want you to know that your birthday, and your overall existence, is so precious to so many people, especially myself. If Aunt May doesn't want to spend time with you, then she's missing out, cause' you're one of the best things Earth has right now, and that's saying something, because there's apparently something called customizable m&m's, and-"

In a swift motion, I wrap my arms around Tony, cutting him off as giving him a tight hug. For a few seconds, he's slightly taken aback. But quickly he returns the hug, holding me even tighter.

This is nice.

( Just want to clarify, I absolutely HATE that I had to make Aunt May seem like a heartless bitch in this, but it wouldn't really work if I didn't. I think this might be one of my favorites, what do you think? I kinda needed a fluff oneshot finally in this book tbh. Request from Geovenox is up next!!)

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