Blood is Thicker Than Water Pt.2 - Angst

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(Pt.2 to whatever this is, sorry that the last chapter was a short ass bitch but I'm trying boo. Also sorry this took so long, for reasons being...

1. Writers' block

2. Endgame

Enjoy anyways!)

Peters Pov:

Karen keeps nagging.

"Peter." She says impatiently, her voice now clear and none static. I've pulled off having a bullet in my stomach for at least ten minutes and I'm already feeling a little loopy.

"If we don't tell Stark, you won't make it out of this plane alive."

"Karen I need you to be quiet, ok, I'll think of something. Don't tell Mr. Stark, got it?" I say quietly, if someone hears me I'm dead. Karen went quiet after a while.


The plane lands.


The plane ride was shorter than before, which is good because I'm starting to feel silly. And I know I'm losing a lot of blood, because Karen keeps popping up with new warnings, but the more warnings and notifications about my health I get the more they seem fuzzy. My brain feels kind of melty, like goo. Too slippery to speak or grasp on a thought but at least I can walk.

Everyone starts piling off the ship, and that's when my legs start to feel like jello. My stomach starts with a violent spin as it turns to ice, red and white mist covers my vision, I hear someone yell faintly "God, Tony, the kid!".

The ground suddenly is rushing closer to my face, and I pass out.


Tony's Pov:

Finally, we're home.

Even though the plane ride was only thirty minutes, I still feel as though it lasted forever. But at least we won, mission complete. No injuries except maybe a bruise or two, and I couldn't be more thankful.

The plane lands with a huff and the door slams to the ground. The Avengers pile out of the plane and we all start to head back to the living room.

"God, Tony, the kid!" A familiar American voice yells.

My body turns with a panic, and I see Peter sway as he took one final step, then falling to the ground.


I rush over to him immediately, yelling for FRIDAY to give me a scan on Peter.

"Sir, he is in very critical condition. With three deep lacerations, a concussion, and.."

FRIDAY says the next part quietly.

"A bullet in his stomach, which is the reason for unconsciousness due to severe blood loss. Boss, I advise you to bring him carefully to an emergency room."

Oh god.


He was shot. Shot. A kid was shot and didn't even tell anyone, didn't even tell me. Why? What the fuck is wrong with him? Did I do something wrong? It's all my fault. If I had just been more aware or even asked him why he was acting funky, I could've helped him sooner.

All the other thoughts disappear once a bigger one shadows my mind.

He's dying. Like really dying.

Steve picks Peters limp and barely alive body and runs inside, everyone else following behind.


Irondad / Spiderson Oneshots -  (Fluff/Angst)Where stories live. Discover now