Captured - Angst

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Tony wakes up in a poorly lit room, tied to a chair. Peters right next to him, tied to a chair and a terrified expression on his face.

Tony tells himself they'll be fine, that they'll escape with ease.

Boy was he wrong.


Tonys Pov: (Whole Oneshot)

My mind wakes up, but my body doesn't. Everything feels too numb, my body aches in agony as I sit here in an uncomfortable chair. I slowly gain consciousness but I don't open my eyes. My left ear is ringing loudly, and I hope it goes away because I have a headache. My hands are twisted behind my back, making me feel vulnerable. I hate that.

Where am I? Last thing I remember was I was walking down the street to see if Peter was ok since he hasn't been texting or calling in nearly four days. And then sudden pain in my head, was I knocked out? Likely. But I'm not focusing on that right now.

I slowly hear voices trail to my right ear, my left must be temporarily deafened.

I hear yelling, then quickly a static of pain comes from my leg as it cries its just been kicked. I groan in agony, but my body refuses to fully wake up.

"No please don't hurt him, he didn't-" I hear a whimper of pain from a familiar voice and my eyes shoot open to see if Peters ok.

He didn't look too good.

His left eye is consumed by a black eye, with deep shades of purple covering his chocolate brown eyes. He has many cuts on his face and a deeper one on his lip and cheek, it seems he's been hit multiple times. He looks like he been here for days. His hair is messed up and reddened, probably from being hit in the head. Oh god, is this where he has been? How did I not notice? I'm so stupid. My fists clench in anger, no one touches Peter.

"Well, that got him up." A man's voice echoed, I hate his voice, it sounds like stepping onto gravel when he talks.

"Yeah... Maybe he wouldn't like it if I did this-" Another man came out of the dark and yanked Peters' hair. Peters' eyes scrunch up in pain.

"Stop it- don't- don't touch him ok? I'll give you what you want- anything you want, you want money?-" I was shut up quickly by getting another kick to my hurt leg.

"We don't want money, bitch." Another man comes into view. He's got blonde hair and blue eyes, he'd be handsome if he didn't wear such a scary expression, there's a cold stare in his eyes that shakes me up. There must be three in total. Gravel guy, shin kicker, and blondey.

"We want the know who spider freak is," blondey said, I guess they don't know Peter is Spiderman, which is good.

"We've seen you on missions with him all the time, in fact, there's a video on YouTube of you and him on a roof just eating junk. You must know something about him. Who he is, where he lives. You've gotta know something, and we can get it out of you, too." Blondey says it like a regular conversation. Like he's discussing the weather instead of wanting to track down someone to possibly hurt them, or worse...

"So here's the deal, Stark." The gravel guy stepped forward, leaning down to my face. His breath lingered of liquor and dirt.

"You tell us who spiderman is, and we let you and kiddo here go."

Never. I'm not risking his life, I look over at Peter for a second, and he gives me a nod. He wants me to tell him. I know he's not doing it for himself either. He knows he could get possibly killed, exposed, tracked down, tested, kidnapped, the possibility's are endless. I'm not letting that happen, I'd rather have all of those happen to me at once than any of them happen to Peter at all.

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