The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Angst

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Men with guns enter Peters school.

Peter has to decide whether he stays in the shadows, or goes out and try to protect his classmates.

Let's just say things don't go according to plan.

(This one is gonna be long, so get ready. Pt.2 is in store.)

TRIGGER WARNING: School shootings, mentions of death, violence, swearing, blood, slight gore.

This is inspired by @silentparker's fanfic.

Peters Pov: (Whole One - Shot)

"Ned, cmon. That's crazy." I chuckled, sitting down next to him as the bell rings.

"I'm telling you, man, the force can actually control time. I read a fan theory about it and everything, It seems legit." Ned beamed, using his hands while he talked.

"Send me a link, I'll read it later." I nodded at him, and the teacher walked into the classroom, already talking about today's lesson.

I zoned out after ten minutes or so, this guy's voice is more monotone than Ben Stein from The Mask, so every time I have his class I naturally let my mind wander.

And then an alarm went off.

Our teacher stopped, confused and he glanced over at the speaker as it sputtered to life. "Students and Staff of Midtown High School, this is not a drill. We are having a lockdown with an intruder. Close your window blinds, lock your doors, and hide in your classrooms. I repeat, this is not a-" Before the principal could finish, there was a disturbing thud heard and then silence.

The class was silent for a moment, and then we spring into action.

The teacher immediately ran to lock and cover the door, and kids were helping each other close the window blinds, it became so dark that nearly everyone was tripping on their own feet. Most of my classmates helped, but some were just sitting at their desks, unable to even get up. The teacher took attendance and then ordered us to go into the back corner, away from the windows.

By a matter of minutes, the class was huddling together tightly. Ned was shaking from fear next to me, and it wasn't really helping that my spider senses were going crazier with each ticking moment. There was even a few girls crying, and one guy.

My eyes were switching from the door and from our class, I needed to go out there and protect my school, but the possibility of my identity to be found, it was risky. I don't know what this person's reasons are, I don't know how well he or she's trained. But then again, if someone were to die because I was too much of a wimp to go out there, I would never forgive myself.

I slowly stand up and inch to the door, pressing my back and the palms of my hands to the wall. I receive a few confused looks from my classmates and from my teacher. MJ looks over at me with worry, and Ned is slowly shaking his head, a clear expression of 'No' glued to his face. My mind is already set, though.

I unlock the cold doorknob and slowly turn it. "Peter Parker, you sit right back down." My teacher whispers harshly.

I open the door and run out quickly, the yells of protest from my teacher and classmates being cut off by the door slamming closed, making sure it was locked from the outside.

I look at both ends of the hallway before crossing it and I lean against the walls once again, my anxiety levels rising as I poke my head around the corner to see if the cost was clear.

Man I wish I had my suit, or even at least my web shooters. I mentally slap myself when I remembered I gave my suit to Tony so he could patch a hole in it, out of all the days he could have my suit, it had to be today.

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