VII - A Runaway Moon

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A soldier was able to separate part of the liquid that attacked the people, which was on the floor of the corridor, to analyze it, but one of the smaller creatures attacked him. As the creature entered his mouth, devouring his whole throat, he let the bottle slide across the floor. Another soldier who ended up took the casing, ran away in retreat not to be devoured.

Quickly, he took the sample to the scientists to analyze what it was and how to defend themselves. This was one of the main weapons of the invader, a substance that left the victims hallucinating, rendering them unable to react as they were devoured.

Biomedics studied the substance and discovered that, once absorbed through the skin, it rapidly entered the bloodstream, attacking the nervous system. The preys were paralyzed and, without reaction, had hallucinations that weakened them even more to be slaughtered by their tormentor. They had to think of an antidote for that, as well as a way of killing the creatures... But time was getting shorter and shorter.

"Sir, I have an idea.", said one of the presente biologists. "A freezing weapon or one that uses high doses of heat could liquidate them, changing its natural state."

Captain Henry nodded and ordered his officers:

"Take whatever weapons we have that can be freezing and flammable. Bullets, grenades and laser beams will have no effect. Let's get rid of these creatures!"

The soldiers began to shoot at the beings with freezing weapons, but they did not seem to feel anything, only remained a few minutes paralyzed. Then, the assault team used thermal energy at high temperatures and the monsters seemed to adapt to extreme conditions. The creatures seemed to work together, as if they shared a single brain. This way, they were devouring the humans in front of them and eventually reached the water pipes that supplied the base, allowing the monsters to have access to all places. Defeated, the surviving officers were only able to warn Captain Henry Fox, who ordered:

"Close all water outlets immediately. Everyone is in danger now."

Now there was only one alternative left: running away. They had no way to stop those beings; they had to keep the largest number of inhabitants alive, especially children. Sadly, the captain gave the evacuation order. The sirens began to ring.

"Attention, all members of the Enceladus colony. Get ready for immediate evacuation, that is an order. Listen well... This is not an exercise. We're under attack."

The rush started. The escape protocol ships were set up and people were accommodating themselves, as they had trained countless times for accidents or occurrences of that circumstance.

Meanwhile, the creatures, that grew large after being fed well, reached the access corridor to the cargo area. There were lieutenants Cordon and Sarah, who ran from the restaurant's cafe; all the loving plans and hopes being postponed. Cordon had a freezing weapon and shot the creatures as soon as he saw them. They froze for a moment, then stretched out in humanoid forms, which began to chase after the couple.

"Run, Sarah! Let's go to Transport III. I have an idea."


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