Akio: Come on over and say hi Elli.

Elaine rolls her eyes at Akio before making a few gestures with her hands. Akio laughs as if she just remembered something important.

Akio: Oh right, I forgot you lost your white board in the forest my bad.

You: Was that sign language?

Both girls turn their attention to you in surprise.

Akio: Yeah Elli here cant speak. She usually carries around a marker board to communicate with people but~ unfortunately she lost it during the exam.

Elaine signs angrily now as Akio still laughs.

Ty: What's she saying?

Aki: Oh you know, she's just upset she lost it.

You: Thats a lie. She said you broke it by using it on a beowolf and you owe her a new one.

Aki: (gulps) Oh crap.

Ty: Y/n you know sign language?

You: (shrugs) A bit, I had a friend that was mute teach me a while back. I'm haven't practiced it lately but I can still understand it.

Elaine runs up to you and smiles happily before signing.

Elaine:(signs) Finally someone else that can understand me, Akio always breaks my boards so she can pawn her work load off on me.

You: (raised eyebrow) Is that so?

Akio: (nervous laughs) busted.

Ozpin: (walking up your team with Glynda) Y/n may I have a word?

You turned to face the man you've been waiting to talk to since you arrived in Vale, Professor Ozpin.

You: Of course. (Turns to team) I'll catch you guys later.

You followed Ozpin and Glynda back to his office, as the elevator closes the air in the room felt a lot more tense. Ozpin sits at his desk and Glynda takes her place behind him.

Ozpin: Please Y/n take a seat, we have a bit to discuss.

You were on guard now not knowing what to expect, you hesitantly took the seat across from his desk.

Ozpin: I was very impressed with the skills you showed during the exam, you remind of a young Cyrus.

You: So you do know my dad?

Ozpin: You could say that.

You: Ok Professor I want answers like where is he? And what's your relationship to him?

Ozpin: I'm sorry both those questions I cannot answer.

You: Can't or won't?

Ozpin: (smiles) Your a smart boy but your father left me with three very specific instructions.

You: Like what?

Ozpin: First was not to answer any questions to you about him, second to challenge your abilities.

You: And the third?

Ozpin: (smiles) Was that you enjoy your time here at Beacon.

You stared at Ozpin in disbelief at that last one before you leaned back in the chair and laughed.

You: Fine whatever, I'll play it his way.

You stood up and started to walk back to the elevator .

Ozpin: One more thing before you go Y/n.

You: (turning back) What is it?

Ozpin: Glynda.

Glynda then raises her riding crop as a small box floats in your direction, you held you hand out as the box land in it. You open the box to find a necklace with a black crystal pendant on it.

You: I'm flattered Glynda but I think it would be a problem for a teacher and a student to you know.

Glynda: (glares) What you little-

Ozpin: Thats a gift from your father, it's very important that you hang on to that and protect it.

You stared back down at the black crystal, something felt odd about it but you couldn't tell what it was. Instead you closed the box for now and put it in your jacket pocket.

You: If that's all, I'll be taking my leave.

Ozpin: Yes, take care Y/n and congratulations.

You: Yeah thanks. (Leaves room)

Ozpin's POV

As the elevator doors closed behind Y/n I leaned back against my chair and let out a sigh.

Glynda: That boy, his skills may be 1st rate but his attitude leaves something to be desired.

Ozpin: Now now Glynda, I have high hopes for him after all he is that man's son.

Glynda: Speaking of, when was the last time you even spoke to him.

Ozpin: A week ago, he gave me a call just to tell me his son would be coming to Beacon and I should look out for him.

Glynda: The nerve of him.

Ozpin: True but then again what's a father to do.

Chapter End

Twice as Bright  Yang Xiao Long x Male reader. (Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now