chapter 1 Who is that?

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Y/n (your name)
F/c (favorite color)
F/n (friends name)
Bff/n (best friends name)
Bf/n (boyfriends name
F/f (favorite food)
F/d (favorite drink
This most likely won't be in the chapter but just don't forget

I was walking to school with a smile on my face, I was the popular girl, I was Really nice but I did not like animals (sorry)they scare me and I say that cause now I was in a corner because a dog was chasing me it had a smile on its face, witch made it ten times more scary! "Smile come her boy!" I herd a voice so I jumped only to revile a masked person, I thought it was a boy(she did not have a crop top on) the smiling dog went running to the masked boy(girl) and he took one look at me, picked up the dog, and left into the forbidden slender Forest, I wanted to fallow him but I was late to school plus I herd people who went in the woods never came out so it made me wander 'why did he go in there?' "Who is that?" I asked out loud

Time skip cause I'm trash

???? POV
I was sitting on the couch talking with Jeff until BEN popped out the TV "hey BEN" I said plainly "sup" he said grining "what are you thinking" Jeff asked as his smile grew wider "well you know...." BEN trailed off and looked us and told us the plan, we smiled at each other and put are plan in action, we went up stairs and into BEN's room for some fun(not like that you nasty people) we got all the stuff we needed and walked out BEN's room the went Jeff's then mine, we were going to trip LJ down the stairs but make it look like Dr. Smiley did it. We had everything ready and put it in action. Lucas came running down stairs cause once again LJ was chasing him(so he can kill him)LJ tripped down stairs cause of one of my chains, LJ stopped at the third stair case and then tripped over one of BEN's controllers causing him to fall down the rest of the stairs and get stabbed in the arm with one of Jeff's knifes, he finally fell down at the end of the stairs and we where Dieing. Now to make it look like Dr. Smiley did it Dr. Smiley came down stairs holding the stuff we used, we made it look like we where playing videogames. When LJ saw Dr. smiley holding the stuff, he attacked him, it was hilarious!

I know this was trash but I wanted to at least do one chapter
Now image that hole prank
Its funny right?
Yes No?

Okay bye
Bleach leader out!

A Chained Heart (Chain x Female! reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now